19 Apr 2016

‘Few absolute facts’: Independent referendum analysis

A report providing “impartial analysis” on the EU referendum finds both sides presenting false assumptions with neither side able to rely on absolute facts. Read the full report here.

Another report on Brexit? Really, who needs it? Well you do, according to Sir Tom Hunter – a Scottish entrepreneur who made himself into a billionaire and then a philanthropist.

Depressed by what he saw as the obfuscation, hyperbole and bluster of the EU referendum debate, he’s hired his own posse of academics to produce what he claims is a report that will give you the relevant facts and analysis to make up your own mind – and he’s shared it exclusively with Channel 4 News.

So what’s the conclusion, do we leave or remain? Well, you’ll search in vain for a section at the back to tell you which way to vote. That’s not the idea – you have to make up your own mind.

The report’s findings include claims that:

  • While the UK makes an annual contribution of “£117 per person” per year to the EU budget, Norway contributes nearly the same – £107 – and it’s not even a member.
  • 6.8% of Acts of Parliament had a role in implementing EU law between 1997 and 2009.
  • EU migrants account for 10% of total expenditure on in-work tax credits and housing support but only represent 6% of the workforce.

But what does it all prove? That’s up to you to decide. Channel 4 News has not verified the claims made in the report. Read the entire report below: