29 Feb 2012

Fierce bombardment reported in Homs

Residents of the Syria city of Homs have reported hearing massive shelling of the besieged Baba Amro district, as the Assad regime refuses a visit by a top United Nations official.

Activists said heavy fighting was going on in Baba Amro, which has endured 25 days of bombardment. Some diplomats have voiced fears that the notorious 4th Armoured Division, commanded by President Assad’s younger brother Maher al-Assad, was on the verge of mounting a drive to “finish off” the rebels.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said on Wednesday that he was “appalled” at reports that the Assad regime was preparing a full-scale onslaught on the city:

“I urge it to stop any such plans and instead allow immediate and unhindered access to the humanitarian agencies who are ready to deliver vital assistance to those affected by the violence in all parts of the city.

“I call on those Syrians who are being ordered to attack their fellow citizens to make a choice and to lay down their arms. Those who do not do so will be held to account for their actions.”

Also on Wednesday, Valerie Amos, the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Co-ordinator, said she was deeply disappointed that her request to visit Syria had been refused by the authorities. Ms Amos said that the UN stood ready to bring in humanitarian aid as soon as it was allowed in.