From responsible capitalism to a John Lewis economy – Channel 4 News
20 Jan 2012

From responsible capitalism to a John Lewis economy

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg all delivered speeches this week on their visions for a more ethical capitalism in the UK. Channel 4 News ran their words through Snowcloud.

David Cameron on ‘caring capitalism’

In a major speech on the economy on 19 January, the prime minister set out his vision for capitalism with ethics as a means of stemming the worst excesses in the business world.

Click on the image below for a Snowcloud word count based on a transcript of Mr Cameron’s speech, or read the full speech here.

Ed Miliband on ‘responsible capitalism’

In a speech on 19 January, Labour leader Ed Miliband called on the prime minister to tackle the “surcharge culture” that sees consumers “fleeced” by powerful companies.

Click on the image below for a Snowcloud word count based on transcribed extracts from Mr Miliband’s speech, or read the full speech here.

Nick Clegg on a ‘John Lewis economy’

On 16 January the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, delivered a speech to business leaders at Mansion House in which he called for a “John Lewis economy” in which individuals were given a “real stake” in their companies they worked for.

Click on the image below for a Snowcloud word count based on a transcript of Mr Clegg’s speech, or read the full speech here.