23 Apr 2015

Fulham ‘sinkhole’: woman hospitalised in pavement collapse

A woman is taken to hospital after falling down a ‘sinkhole’ in Fulham, London, as she pushed a buggy along the pavement.


A photo posted by Kate Sissons (@ktkittenkat) on Apr 23, 2015 at 2:54am PDT

Above: the Fulham ‘sinkhole’ (Picture credit: Kate Sissons/Instagram)

Passers by said they heard a loud scream as the woman and the buggy fell down the hole on North End Road in west London.

Fire crews and the ambulance service attended the ascene, and the “shaken” woman was taken to Charing Cross hospital.

One witness, Kate Sissons, posted pictures of the hole on Instagram and wrote: “OMG! Poor woman and pram just disappeared down this hole on North End Rd. She’s stuck down there.”

She added: “It just happened! Loud scream and all I could see was the pram. Ambulance and fire on way to get her out. Scary. V v scary.”

OMG! Poor woman and pram just disappeared down this hole on North End Rd. Shes stuck down there.

A photo posted by Kate Sissons (@ktkittenkat) on Apr 23, 2015 at 12:44am PDT

A photo posted by Kate Sissons (@ktkittenkat) on Apr 23, 2015 at 2:55am PDT

Picture credit: Kate Sissons/Instagram