23 Sep 2009

Gaddafi pitching up in Trump's garden?

Quick update on Gaddafi’s accommodation whilst he is enjoying his first visit to New York:

Having been denied permission to erect his huge Bedouin tent anywhere in the city he’s had to sleep in the office block that also serves as Libya’s diplomatic HQ at the UN.

We saw him leave there this morning serenaded by a large anti-Libyan protest. But he has managed to put his tent up. 45 miles away in Bedford, Westchester in upstate New York.

Pictures of the tent – which we assume he wants to use to entertain his pals – have outraged local residents and the local council have issued a “stop work” order on the tents construction but they were too late – the tent is up and we don’t know when it might come down.

It’s in the garden of a huge property owned by Donald Trump. He says it was rented out to “mid east partners” and he’s investigating if they are sub-letting to Libya. Gaddafi will be in good company if he ever gets to visit his tent. The neighbours include designer Ralph Lauren and America’s answer to Delia Smith – Martha Stewart.

We’ll see if the tent remains standing long enough for Gaddafi to be able to invite the neighbours in for tea.