How the US invasion of Grenada was reported in 1983
Here is how Jon Snow reported the US invasion of Grenada in 1983. In newly-released tapes on Monday, Ronald Reagan can be heard apologising to Margaret Thatcher following the surprise attack.
The move infuriated the British prime minister, who sent a response just after midnight on the day troops moved in, saying “This action will be seen as intervention by a western country in the internal affairs of a small independent nation, however unattractive its regime.”
Opening the conversation, he told Mrs Thatcher: “If I were there, Margaret, I’d throw my hat in the door before I came in.”
(Reagan Library/Margaret Thatcher Foundation)
She responds, saying: “There’s no need to do that.”
In a conversation lasting more than ten minutes, the president explained at length that the United States had not given advance notice of the invasion because of fears a mole would leak sensitive information.
Other recordings include the president attempting to persuade Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin to delay pulling troops from Lebanon in 1983; discussing the release of western hostages in the Middle East with Pakistani president Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq; and a conversation with Syrian president Hafez al-Assad, the father of Syria’s current president Bashar al-Assad. Grenada gained independence from the UK in 1974.
Operation Urgent Fury was launched by the US after a power struggle within Bishop’s leftist New Jewel Movement led to his arrest and killing. The invasion resulted in a US victory within weeks.