6 Jan 2010

Iraq Inquiry blog: Beating the snow

The Iraq Inquiry Blogger makes it through the snow to report on the day’s proceedings.

Well that was an anti-climax – allowed myself an extra half hour to battle through the snow-dunes and arrived here at the QEII an hour early. That said I hope the weather hasn’t been too traumatic wherever you are.

We’re very much moving into the end-game at the Inquiry narrative-wise (or draw-down as the generals would term it), focusing today on Policy Decisions 2007-09. General Sir Peter Wall headed up (1) UK Division in 2003 but for today’s purposes was Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Commitments). He gives evidence alongside MoD civil servant Jon Day – Director General of Operational Policy 2007-08 and Policy Director 2008-09.

Mark Lowcock is up next – Director General Programmes at DfID 2008-09. Finally the afternoon brings Christopher Prentice , the UK’s Ambassador to Iraq 2007-09, to give his perspective on Baghdad 2007-09.

Live Tweets from 10h00 at twitter.com/iraqinquiryblog as ever – see you on the other side.