20 Jul 2013

Israel to free Palestinian prisoners for peace talks

Israel says it will release a number of long-term Palestinian prisoners as part of an agreement with US Secretary of State John Kerry to resume peace talks.

Palestinians hold placards calling for the release of prisoners held by Israel (pic: Reuters)

The announcement came hours after US Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in Amman late yesterday that Israeli and Palestinian negotiators had laid the groundwork to resume the frozen peace talks.

Kerry said that as a first step Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat and his Israeli counterpart Tzipi Livni would meet him in Washington “to begin initial talks within the next week or so”.

The last round of direct talks broke down in 2010 over the issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

The issue of continued expansion of Jewish settlements remains one of the biggest stumbling blocks between the two sides.

On Friday, Israeli intelligence minister Yuval Steinitz said his government would engage in the staged release of a “limited number” of prisoners, some of whom have been in Israeli jails for 30 years.

An agreement for peace

Steinitz provided no other details but said “there will definitely be a certain gesture here”.

Kerry’s announcement came after he spent four days consulting the Israeli and Palestinian leadership from his base in an Amman hotel and a late yesterday helicopter dash to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

Just minutes before boarding a plane to fly home, Kerry told reporters both sides had reached “an agreement that establishes a basis for resuming direct final status negotiations”.

“This is a significant and welcome step forward,” he added, having doggedly pushed the two sides to agree to resume talks in six intense trips to the region since becoming the top US diplomat in February.

But he warned that the issues separating the sides were “difficult” and “complicated”.

A US State Department official said Kerry had wrenched a commitment from both sides “on the core elements that will allow direct talks to begin”.

Both want Jerusalem as capital

The Israelis and Palestinians remain far apart on final status issues including the borders of a future Palestinian state, the right of return of Palestinian refugees, and the fate of Jerusalem which both want as their capital.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has also repeatedly called for a freeze to Israeli settlement building and a release of prisoners.

Analysts cautioned against reading too much into the latest developments.

Chico Menashe, diplomatic commentator for Israeli public radio, likened the situation to “a half-baked cake Kerry removed from the stove. Kerry convinced the Israelis and Palestinians it was edible, and both sides agreed to eat it.”

Gal Berger, Palestinian affairs correspondent for Israel’s public radio pointed to the fact that Yitzhak Molcho, the personal envoy of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has already been holding talks with Erakat, which were still ongoing.