15 Feb 2011

July 7 inquest hears testimony from bomber’s girlfriend

The July 7 inquest has heard the testimony of the former girlfriend of one of the suicide bombers, and have also seen a video of ringleader Mohammed Siddique Khan saying farewell to his baby daughter.

July 7 inquests hears tesimony from bomber's girlfriend (Getty)

Shehzad Tanweer, the man who detonated a bomb on the eastbound train between Liverpool Street and Aldgate in 2005 – killing himself and seven others – spent a night in a hotel with his secret girlfriend just days before carrying out the terror attacks, the inquest heard.

The woman, identified as witness A, broke down in tears as she described via video link how she believed Shehzad Tanweer had been in love with her. They kept their relationship hidden from friends and family for more than three years.

Hugo Keith QC, counsel to the hearing at London’s Royal Courts of Justice, asked her: “Did he give you any indication of his feelings for you?”

She replied: “Yes, I got good vibes from him that he loved me.”

Tanweer, 22, and witness A spent the night of 1 July together in a hotel, just six days before the atrocities paralysed London. But the woman told the London hearing she had no idea Tanweer had become radicalised or was planning to carry out the attacks in the coming days. Instead he told her he was going to spend the following week on holiday in Scotland and had plans to see her on his return.

‘Not particularly religious’

She described Tanweer as a sports fan, who was not particularly religious but did observe Ramadan. They lost touch, but Tanweer reignited the relationship at the beginning of 2005 – sending her an unexpected text message explaining he was planning to move to Dubai with his family.

The couple kept in touch and met up again secretly in June 2005. Witness A said on that occasion they had discussed spending their future together. She explained: “We felt our relationship had got stronger.”

Mr Keith asked: “Did you discuss what the future would hold for him?” Witness A then broke down in tears.

The inquest heard how the revelation of witness A’s identity would have a devastating effect on her reputation and safety, as well as that of her relatives. She said that she had been the subject of “gross deceit.”

Read more from Channel 4 News in our special report on the July 7 bombings

Ringleader’s farewell to daughter

Meanwhile, disturbing footage showing fellow July 7 bomber Mohammed Siddique Khan bidding farewell to his baby daughter was released for the first time at the inquest.

Despite caressing and kissing the child, Khan tells her: “Learn to fight, fighting’s good”.

The home video, apparently filmed by Khan’s wife Hasina Patel on 15 November 2004, shows the 30-year-old saying, “remember me” as a female voice adds: “One minute left”.

The Edgware Road bomber, who masterminded the worst single terror atrocity on British soil, draws a breath and says to his daughter: “Remember me in your Duas (prayers). I will certainly remember you, and, inshallah (God willing), things will work out for the best.

“Look after your mother, she needs looking after.”

And he advises his daughter: “Don’t be leaving your mum for anything, take care of your mother, you two can both go do things together, fighting and stuff.”

Speaking to the little girl, his wife adds: “I think you’re going to be hyper like your daddy”.