16 Nov 2012

Labour regains Corby but police vote turnout is low

Krishnan here – two big news stories jostling for the top spot tonight. I’m not sure if we’ll lead on elections here or fighting between Gaza and Israel.

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Krishnan here – two big news stories jostling for the top spot tonight. I’m not sure if we’ll lead on elections here or fighting between Gaza and Israel. So in no particular order:

Labour regains Corby but police vote turnout is low

The turnout in Thursday’s elections was gut-wrenchingly awful: well below 20 per cent in most places and some polling stations barely saw anyone turn up at all to elect police and crime commissioners. All the politicians are insisting there is no question mark over the legitimacy of those elected and they’re entitled to that opinion.

The government says it’s because of a lack of media interest, others say it is because of a lack of government interest. Perhaps it was because it was cold and dark and November. Or is it because nobody really thinks elected figures can change our lives very much anymore?

Labour won the Corby by-election from the Conservatives – the first such victory in 15 years on a swing of almost 13 per cent from the Tories. Political Editor Gary Gibbon and Political Correspondent Michael Crick will explain what happened. Grant Shapps and Yvette Cooper will debate why so few people engaged with the election.

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Egypt PM condemns ‘blatant aggression’ by Israel

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Egyptian president sent his prime minister to Gaza earlier – when he arrived he condemned Israel’s “blatant aggression”. Given the origins of Hamas this is not a surprise. Israel initially scaled down attacks on the Gaza Strip today. But a large rocket was launched this afternoon from Gaza towards Jerusalem may prompt an escalation. 

Israeli tanks have assembled along the border and the call-up of 16,000 Israeli military reservists is ongoing.  At time of writing our Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson is reporting powerful explosions in and around Gaza City from where he reports live for us tonight.

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Doncaster children’s services inadequate – Ofsted

Education Secretary Michael Gove has launched a stinging attack on the care system in Doncaster, and is considering what action to take. Two reports have attacked the social services department which was responsible for two brothers who beat and tortured two other young boys. Doncaster social services have already been investigated once. The latest reports say things have improved but not by enough. 

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Ginger mummy?

He’s known informally as “Ginger” and he’s been a guest of the British Museum for more than a hundred years. But the Gebelein Man, to give him his scientific name, has been dead for more than 5,000 years – and it’s only now that researchers have been able to discover the cause of his death. A new body-scanning technique has unearthed clues from the mummified remains. Carl Dinnen has been sifting the evidence.

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Business news

The FTSE closed at 5,605.59 – down 72 points.

£1 buys $1.58 or 1.24 euros.

Tonight’s weather

Mild for most, with spells of rain and drizzle, extensive low cloud, mist and fog, although the southeast should stay largely dry. Colder, clearer conditions with showers following into the northwest later, perhaps giving frost and localised icy patches.

Tomorrow’s weather

England and Wales starting cloudy, with occasional rain and drizzle moving east to clear all but the southeast later, gradually replaced by bright, breezy but showery conditions from the northwest.

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