30 Jul 2015

Newcastle teenager found guilty of planning massacre

A Newcastle teenager who assembled a Glock handgun from parts he bought on the internet has been found guilty of planning a massacre at his former college.

Liam Lyburd, 19, learned how to make pipe bombs and bought the Glock semi-automatic handgun parts online, as well as 94 hollow point expanding bullets.

I will teach you a little lesson on respect with my 9mm hollow points. Note found on Lyburd’s laptop

Newcastle Crown Court heard that Lyburd had told other people about his plans to attack the college. Lyburd had argued that he was only trying to get his friends’ attention online, that he was an internet troll, and that he had no intention of shooting anyone.

Police were alerted after a concerned member of the public drew their attention to posts made online by Lyburd, under the pseudonym “Felix Burns”.

When they raided Lyburd’s home in November last year they found a “kill bag” containing the bombs, bullets and gun. Lyburd had admitted owning and making the weapons, but had pleaded not guilty to possessing them with an “intent to endanger life”.


Above: the Glock recovered from Lyburd’s home. Credit: CPS

A computer specialist also recovered a file on his laptop in which said he held Newcastle College “personally responsible for my miserable life”.

“You ruined my whole life, don’t expect me to show any mercy today. No-one disrespects me and gets away with it. I will teach you a little lesson on respect with my 9mm hollow points ;),” the document read.

‘No fantasy’

Police also found webcam pictures he took of himself dressed in combat gearing, holding the Glock and a knife. Lyburd had argued he was dressing up like other people wear Halloween costumes.

But the prosecution had told the court that this was “no fantasy”.

Judge Paul Sloan QC will sentence Lyburd on September 25, after a psychiatric report has been prepared. He told the teenager: “You will appreciate that only a very substantial sentence in custody is appropriate in the circumstances of this case.”

As he was led away, Lyburd gestured with his fingers to his own head as if he was shooting himself.