Life after Brexit: A Trump trade deal? | Politics: Where Next? podcast – Channel 4 News
7 Jun 2019

Life after Brexit: A Trump trade deal? | Politics: Where Next? podcast

Political Editor

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This week President Trump brought his family over to see the Queen. When the second, more political day of his trip happened, he gave the impression of almost looking over the outgoing Prime Minister’s shoulder to make contact with others in British politics who might soon be at the wheel.

And at a press conference, asked about whether the NHS would have to be on the table in any UK-US trade talk, he spawned headlines by saying: “Everything with a trade deal is on the table. When you’re dealing in trade everything is on the table, so NHS or anything else.”

As he spoke, the Tory leadership contest rules were being rejigged to thin out the crowded field. Something that might benefit Boris Johnson’s candidacy – he remains the frontrunner for No. 10.

With those two blonds holding the headlines, I spoke to Gideon Rachman, the FT’s distinguished commentator on international affairs and also to Professor John Bew, biographer of Atlee and Castlereagh, author of Realpolitik.

There are new episodes of Politics: Where Next? every Friday.