11 Aug 2014

Major rescue operation as regatta hit by storm

Ten sailors have been injured after 97 people ended up in the water during a regatta in Northern Ireland. A major rescue operation began after the event was hit by a storm.

Most of the casualties were suffering from hypothermia after a sudden change in the weather led to a number of boats capsizing, the Belfast coastguard said.

“It’s believed that all those in the water have been accounted for. However rescue units on scene, including the helicopters and lifeboats, are carrying out further searches to make sure,” the Maritime and Coastguard agency said.

Among the injured sailors were two teenages boys and a women who suffered an injured arm.

One person was stuck in the cold water for 20 minutes.

Sailors from Australia, England, Northern Ireland and Ireland were taking part in the competition.

A GP14 world championship event is being held near Killyleagh, at the south edge of the sea lough.

Earlier, the race organiser of the GP14 said that strong winds forced the cancellation of a practice race.

The Bangor and Portaferry Coastguard rescue team, the Portaferry and Newcastle RNLI lifeboats, the Irish Coastguard helicopter, with a helicopter from RAF Valle, attended the scene.