15 Sep 2011

Pakistan’s al-Qaeda chief ‘killed’

Abu Hafs al Shahri, believed to be al-Qaeda’s chief of operations in Pakistan, has reportedly been killed in a drone attack in Waziristan.

Mountainous Waziristan. (Getty)

Two US officials told reporters that he was killed in an operation in the lawless tribal region of Waziristan.

Shahri had operational experience and connections and had been working closely with the Taliban in Pakistan to coordinate attacks.

He also served as the militant group’s coordinator with the main Pakistani Taliban group, known as the TTP.

Precise details of the location and timing of the drone strike were not immediately available. Al Shahri was described as a Saudi Arabian national.

The claimed killing of Shahri is the latest in a string of blows by the US against al-Qaeda.

Three weeks ago, the US said it had killed al-Qaeda’s suspected chief of operations, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman.

Libyan national al-Rahman rose to the number two spot when Ayman al-Zawahri took the reins of al-Qaeda after Osama bin Laden was killed in May in a raid by US commandos in Pakistan.

And ten days ago, Pakistan said it has captured three al-Qaeda operatives, including “senior leader” Younis al-Mauritania, who took orders directly from bin Laden.