10 May 2012

Police sergeant suspended in new racism allegation

Another Metropolitan police officer has been suspended for alleged racist comments.

metropolitan police sergeant suspended over racism allegation (getty)

The sergeant is alleged to have made the remark in the company of other officers yesterday morning.

Scotland Yard refuse to say if the ‘n’ word was used or whether the incident occurred in a police station, on patrol or other duties.

The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) say one of his colleagues subsequently reported the incident to a supervisor.

In a statement the MPS said: “The incident happened at around 8.20am on Wednesday 9 May in the north London area.” The statement adds:

“No members of the public were involved in the incident .. The action taken in response to this allegation demonstrates the MPS’s determination to act swiftly and to support those that challenge others when alleged racist language is used.”

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has been informed under new guidelines which were introduced following a case in Newham, east London where an officer is alleged have made racist comments to a suspect in the back of a police van.