9 Nov 2010

Prince Harry opens remembrance field

Prince Harry has opened the first remembrance field dedicated to those killed in Afghanistan, in the town that has become famous for marking the return of British troops killed in the conflict.

The Prince planted a cross dedicated to his friend Lance Corporal of Horse Jonathan Woodgate, who was killed on foot patrol in Sangin, Helmand on March 26 this year. The two both served in the Household Cavalry Regiment.

Prince Harry also led a two-minute silence to honour the 342 men and women killed in Afghanistan since the conflict began in 2001.

Up to 35,000 crosses will be planted in the Wootton Bassett Field of Remembrance at Lydiard Park, with members of the public able to write personal tributes to those who died.

“It means a lot. They were in the same regiment and [Prince Harry] said Jonathan was a special chap” Tony Woodgate, father of Lance Corporal of Horse Jonathan Woodgate

After the ceremony, Lance Corporal Woodgate’s father Tony said he was “very emotional”.

“I’ve cried more tears in the last few months than I have ever done.

“It means a lot. They were in the same regiment and [Prince Harry] said Jonathan was a special chap.

“The remembrance field is very fitting. When Joe was brought back to Lyneham and we stood in Wootton Bassett, with the crowd six deep, it was very emotional and I couldn’t believe so many people would turn out for a man they didn’t even know.”

March for Honour

Prince Harry also met teams from the Army, Navy, RAF and Royal Marines who are hoping to raise £1 million for the Royal British Legion in the 1,000 mile March For Honour.

After meeting the prince, Royal Navy Commando Petty Officer Jason Gadd said: “I’m a great fan of the Royal Family and the fact both Harry and William are in the armed services is brilliant.

“You can really relate to him (Harry) as he’s done it.

Petty Officer Gadd said the Prince joked around in “a bit of rival service banter.”

“He made a comment about the Navy’s lack of ships and said we should move to the Army. We just said that’s too easy.”

The Wootton Bassett Field of Remembrance at Lydiard Park’s Walled Garden will be open daily from 9am to 4pm from November 9 until November 21.