5 Dec 2014

Will all of UK follow Scotland in cutting drink-drive limit?

A stricter drink-drive limit comes into force, which makes the legal drink-drive limit in Scotland lower than that elsewhere in the UK.

Drink driving

Holyrood’s Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said Scotland is leading the way in the UK as the reduced limit of 50mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood came into force.

While he said the change would save lives, drivers south of the border have been warned they could legally get behind the wheel after having a drink in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, but be over the limit in Scotland.

The lower limit has been brought in in Scotland after Holyrood unanimously approved the move last month.

While the limit in the rest of the UK will remain at 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood, campaigners called on Westminster to take a tougher approach against drink-driving. Road safety organisation Brake is calling for a limit of just 20mg to be brought in.

How does the rest of the world fare?

Deputy chief executive Julie Townsend said: “As a charity that supports bereaved and injured road crash victims, we witness the suffering that drink and drug-driving inflict, and appeal to everyone to help put a stop to it. Drink and drug-driving deaths and injuries are cruel and needless, ending and ruining lives and leaving traumatised families to pick up the pieces.

Drink and drug-driving deaths and injuries are cruel and needless. Brake deputy chief executive

“We welcome the new lower limit in Scotland as a positive stepping stone towards zero-tolerance. We are calling on the UK Government to take action on drink-driving. We have the highest drink-drive limit in Europe, sending out the dreadful message that a drink or two before driving is acceptable. The evidence shows that a tough approach helps prevent casualties.”


Police Scotland Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins said: “Far too many people die or are injured each year on Scotland’s roads as a result of drink-driving and the irresponsible disregard shown by drink-drivers for not only their own safety but that of other road users and pedestrians.

“Evidence from across Europe, where the lower limit already applies, suggests we will see reductions in drink-driving and a corresponding increase in lives saved.”