Search results for ‘Alternative vote’

356 items found

  • 4 Sep 2018

    Brexit: Chequers deal, where next?

    As parliament returns today, Theresa May has united the warring wings of her party over Brexit. Tory MPs from the pro-Remain and pro-Brexit wings of the party now seem agreed that the Chequers plan the prime minister unveiled in July is dead.

  • 25 Jul 2018

    Brexit coup d’état?

    The Brexit White Paper agreed by the Cabinet at Chequers was not what Brexiteer Tory MPs expected or wanted. They quizzed Theresa May’s top Brexit official on his role in producing it.

  • 27 Jun 2018

    Brexit White Paper takes shape

    Cabinet members who aren’t on the specialist sub-committee that’s supposed to be guiding Brexit negotiations got a sneak preview of the emerging Brexit policy yesterday just before full Cabinet. The UK official leading the Brexit negotiations, Olly Robbins, introduced some slides. Beside him were Gavin Barwell, the PM’s Chief of Staff and the UK Representative…

  • 12 Jun 2018

    Minister resigns to oppose Brexit

    Dr Philip Lee has resigned from his post as a justice minister to oppose Brexit and call for a second referendum. He said he couldn’t look his children in the eye if he didn’t act this way.

  • 25 Apr 2018

    Data from the “Antisemitism Barometer” suggests Labour supporters are less antisemitic than other parties’ supporters. But the same study also found that 83 per cent of British Jews think the Labour is too soft on antisemitism.

  • 18 Apr 2018

    Jeremy Corbyn is calling for a War Powers Act to require the government to get parliamentary approval before military interventions. But would it actually achieve the accountability Labour want?

  • 26 Feb 2018

    The environment secretary, Michael Gove, has argued with a top EU official over proposals to ban plastic drinking straws. He suggested the EU was holding back UK ambitions to ban them, but Frans Timmermans responded by claiming the EU was actually “one step ahead”. So what’s the truth?

  • 14 Dec 2017

    The EU27 will likely sign off on the Brexit divorce agreement tomorrow – so what next on trade and the timetable

    In Brussels here today you sense the EU leaders are still in “managing the process” mode on Brexit. They have much else on their collective plates and are not about to re-think their Brexit approach.

  • 3 Oct 2017

    Boris Johnson cheers Tory troops

    This afternoon, for the first time, the conference hall has been full. There was even a queue to get in. No coincidence that the afternoon was dominated by the Cabinet’s Brexiteers and the big attraction was Boris Johnson. But his warm-up act was the Defence Secretary Sir Michael Fallon who it is fair to say, has…

  • 28 Sep 2017

    By our calculations, at least 30 million people have voted for right-wing populist parties in EU countries in the last five years.

  • 24 Jul 2017

    Jeremy Corbyn said on Sunday that a Labour government would leave the single market because remaining in it is ‘dependent on membership of the EU’. Commentators have been quick to point out that there are four countries in the single market that are not members of the EU. But is there more going on here…

  • 24 Apr 2017

    Gina Miller, the pro-EU campaigner, has launched the “biggest tactical voting drive ever,” raising nearly £300,000 to support parliamentary candidates from different parties who want to stop “Extreme Brexit”. But could tactical voting really make a difference to the election on 8 June? Is there any chance we could end up with a “progressive alliance” of…

  • 18 Apr 2017

    Theresa May has called for an early general election on June 8th in the biggest political gamble of her career. She said divisions in Westminster would cause “damaging uncertainty and instability” and put the Brexit negotiations at risk. Labour said they would offer voters a credible alternative while the Lib Dems called it a chance…

  • 17 Jan 2017

    Theresa May: Brexit means leaving the single market

    Theresa May said British voters in the referendum deemed the price of membership, freedom of movement and submission to EU laws, too great. In the years to come we will discover the price of benefits or leaving.

  • 1 Jun 2016

    EU: Leave strategy ambushes Remain

    Remain campaigners have been ambushed by Leave’s campaign strategy of holding fire right up until the purdah period started and then unleashing an alternative manifesto.