Search results for ‘Bahrain’

170 items found

  • 28 Mar 2011

    Jonathan Rugman has witnessed four Arab uprisings in less than four months and believes the fight for democracy will eventually prevail.

  • 25 Mar 2011

    Protests erupt across Syria in support of those killed in Deraa, with reports of up to 100 dead as security forces fire on protesters. The situation is “explosive”, an expert tells Channel 4 News.

  • 23 Mar 2011

    As Syrian forces crack down on protests against President Assad’s regime, a Middle Eastern expert identifies Syria as most vulnerable to the revolutionary tide sweeping the Middle East.

  • 21 Mar 2011

    A man of decisive words more than decisive action over his time, President Obama has bucked the trend of his time in office announcing firm action in the mission against Gaddafi – but perhaps more words are needed to answer the question, just why he has got so involved?

  • 21 Mar 2011

    Peter McHugh writes for Channel 4 News on the debate on Libya in the House of Commons, where despite widespread support for action there is still a niggling doubt if, legally, Gaddafi is a target.

  • 18 Mar 2011

    Has David Cameron learned his own lessons before deploying British forces to military action in Libya?

  • 17 Mar 2011

    Is the support of a number of Arab countries to help with US plans to oust Gaddafi in return for a go-ahead to smash Shi’a protests in Bahrain, considered to be ‘the backdoor for Iran’ to get influence?

  • 17 Mar 2011

    As Muammar Gaddafi’s forces claim to have regained control of Misrata from rebels in the western Libya, the US has said it will back a UN resolution to impose a no-fly zone over the country.

  • 12 Mar 2011

    Rebel graves bulldozed over in Zawiyah: “But the apparent desecration of the graves is what disturbs me most. I asked a man with deadened eyes where the dead people had gone. “No people,” he insisted repeatedly, before walking away.”

  • 11 Mar 2011

    Colonel Gaddafi’s forces drive back rebels in the east of Libya, as European leaders tell the Libyan leader he must quit. Channel 4 News speaks to an expert about the “change of strategy”.

  • 10 Mar 2011

    Nowhere across north Africa and the Middle East have the Arab uprisings sparked the violence seen in Libya. A frequent visitor to Libya, Mike Hobbs, reflects on whether we should have seen it coming.

  • 8 Mar 2011

    Somayya Jabarti, Managing Editor of English language newspaper Arab News imagines it’s the year 3000 and women drive in Saudi Arabia.

  • 28 Feb 2011

    Middle East uprisings: no one predicted 'rebellious cascade'

    Expect the unexpected – no one predicted the unrest that has swept the Middle East, writes Jon Snow. So no one really knows where it could strike next – Oman, Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.

  • 25 Feb 2011

    Country by country Channel 4 News unpicks the key social media elements of revolt throughout the Middle East and assesses how internet communication helped awaken online youth activism.

  • 23 Feb 2011

    Gaddafi's ominous 'cockroach' threat

    Colonel Gaddafi’s speech in which he talked of the protesters as “drugged” and “cockroaches” has horrid resonances with past events, blogs Jon Snow.