Search results for ‘Sarah Smith’

179 items found

  • 22 Dec 2010

    The number of drone strikes in Pakistan, believed to be led by the CIA, has doubled under the Obama administration in 2010 – leading to hundreds of deaths. Channel 4 News maps a secret war.

  • 21 Dec 2010

    Why have drones or unmanned warplanes become so important to America’s war in Afghanistan? Surely it is the realisation that the Obama troop surge there cannot box the Taliban into a corner.

  • 16 Dec 2010

    The deaths of two British al-Qaeda members in a drone attack in Pakistan have focused attention on US deployment of unmanned airplanes in north Waziristan.

  • 24 Nov 2010

    Channel 4 News scooped two prizes at the Foreign Press Association awards: for Nick Martin’s investigation into Mexico’s missing children and Lindsey Hilsum’s report on rare earth minerals in China.

  • 8 Sep 2010

    Koran controversy: the burning question

    So an obscure cleric in an obscure Florida church wants to set fire to 200 copies of another faith’s Holy Book. Fifty years ago we would never have known. But thanks to the “communications revolution”, the world knows about Pastor Terry Jones and his animus against Islam. At one level the absurdity of such antipathetic…

  • 2 Sep 2010

    In June Barack Obama likened the Gulf of Mexico oil spill to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. It was one of several incendiary comments from the president critical of BP.

  • 2 Sep 2010

    Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas have begun negotiations in Washington aimed at establishing an independent Palestinian state.

  • 30 Mar 2010

    After Ask the Chancellors – Operation Spin Room

    About five minutes after Channel 4’s Ask the Chancellors debate had ended, Britain’s first ever “spin room” was invaded by a phalanx of sharp-suited Conservatives, blogs Faisal Islam.

  • 4 Mar 2010

    Iowa made history in January 2008 as the first state to put a black candidate at the top of a presidential election poll. Channel 4 News returns to discover what voters made of President Barack Obama.

  • 7 Jan 2010

    Sri Lankan officials branded as fake the video of alleged executions by Sri Lankan Armed Forces broadcast by Channel 4 News, but a UN investigation said it “appears authentic”.

  • 30 Apr 2009

    MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – It’s very hard to eat with a mask on. Our team in Mexico City are trying very hard to abide by all the hygiene precautions that should help prevent us from catching swine flu. It feels very rude to refuse to shake the hands of people you are interviewing, but we have been…

  • 21 Jan 2008

    Channel 4 News investigates Obama’s roots in early Chicago politics and looks at the role race played in his presidential campaign.

  • 19 Oct 2019

    Number 10 is now flatly refusing to say whether Boris Johnson will send an extension letter tonight.

  • 21 Jul 2017

    Parliament has published its register of MPs’ financial interests for the first time since the election. An analysis by FactCheck shows that 123 MPs earn extra money by renting out homes and private property. Landlord MPs account for almost a fifth of all MPs. Their properties include houses, flats, farms, holiday cottages and shops. The MPs include chancellor…

  • 25 Jul 2016

    Shadow Cabinet ‘Unresignation’ – start of a trend?

    Is pressure from her constituency party why Sarah Champion ‘unresigned’ from the Shadow Cabinet? Will pressure from Tory backbenchers keep ministers tough on Brexit border control?