Search results for ‘european central bank’

300 items found

  • 17 Feb 2012

    Petrol bombs and burning down buildings has been the Greek public’s response to austerity measures. The Irish go for a more understated display of disgruntlement, as journalist Leo Enright explains.

  • 9 Feb 2012

    Greek political leaders agree a last-minute deal on austerity measures needed to qualify for a bailout worth billions. But unions, who say the measures will create “misery”, are planning strikes.

  • 14 Jan 2012

    France’s Prime Minister has attempted to downplay the downgrade of the country’s credit rating. Katie Razzall reports for Channel 4 News.

  • 27 Dec 2011

    What could 2012 hold?

    In 2012, the stage is set at many levels for financial and consequent economic disaster, writes Jon Snow.

  • 9 Dec 2011

    After David Cameron’s dramatic decision to veto an EU-wide agreement on greater fiscal union for the eurozone countries, it now looks likely that all 26 other European Union (EU) members will try to hammer out a new deal without the UK. But the question still remains, how on earth will it work?

  • 9 Dec 2011

    “Deal to save euro – Britain isolated as usual” – that’s how France and Germany want the Brussels summit reported. Channel 4 News looks at what has been agreed.

  • 9 Dec 2011

    Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy may believe they have found a solution to the eurozone debt crisis – but economists are not convinced, Channel 4 News finds.

  • 7 Dec 2011

    Euro-bazooka disarmed, here comes new Euro-bazooka 2.0

    Channel 4 News Economics Editor Faisal Islam says the European Financial Stability Facility bailout fund is being “quietly forgotten” in favour of the European Stability Mechanism.

  • 5 Dec 2011

    After key talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy says Europe needs a new treaty – as six Euro countries face credit downgrade.

  • 3 Dec 2011

    The eurozone was flawed from the beginning according to Jacques Delors, one of the architects of the single currency. He says that efforts to tackle its problems have so far been too little too late.

  • 30 Nov 2011

    Chancellor George Osborne warns Britain will “find it difficult to avoid a recession” if growth in Europe grinds to a halt, while France’s central banker says Europe faces “a true financial crisis”.

  • 18 Nov 2011

    Speaking after talks in Berlin, David Cameron concedes the UK and Germany do not agree on every aspect of European policy, while Angela Merkel stresses that both countries “need each other”.

  • 18 Nov 2011

    With David Cameron and Angela Merkel at loggerheads, an economist tells Channel 4 News that the German approach to the debt crisis could lead to the break-up of the eurozone.

  • 13 Nov 2011

    President Napolitano has asked technocrat Mario Monti to form a new Italian government. Mr Monti said he wanted to work with the president to eliminate his “reservations” in accepting the post.

  • 10 Nov 2011

    Rise of the Euro Robots stabilises the patient, for now

    Democracy is from the Greek “Demos Kratos”. People power. So what of Technocracy? Technos Kratos. Robot power? Well they weren’t invented then. But Technos means method, art or skill. And so, today we bear witness to the rise of the technocrats. Please feel free to play this whilst reading this blog, click here to listen.…