Search results for ‘Budget’

2,491 items found

  • 4 Apr 2012

    Is the tycoon tax threatening the big society?

    Why tax changes proposed in the budget could undo the good work of Big Society Capital – the body launched to fund social investment.

  • 4 Apr 2012

    The government’s big society bank launched today. But its chairman has told Channel 4 News that all the good it might do could be outweighed by budget proposals to cap tax relief for philanthropists.

  • 3 Apr 2012

    James Durie, Bristol Chamber of Commerce director tells Channel 4 News that despite job losses, the city’s private sector in a range of industries, will generate future jobs.

  • 3 Apr 2012

    From Thatcher to Cameron. As the prime minister unveils big discounts for council tenants in England who want to buy their homes, Channel 4 News looks in detail at the right to buy scheme.

  • 3 Apr 2012

    The British Chambers of Commerce say Britain is likely to avoid a recession, although growth will not pick up properly until 2013.

  • 31 Mar 2012

    Government’s can make unpopular decisions and be rewarded for them but appearing to be incompetent is disastrous. In turn politicians who are rich and priviledged can thrive with the public but appearing to have lost touch with how ordinary people live can be fatal. That’s why the fuel crisis is so dangerous for the government – especially if it turns out that the whole thing was planned as a political attack on the Unite union and Ed Miliband.

  • 30 Mar 2012

    Spain sets out deep budget cuts which its treasury minister has called ‘the most austere’ in the country’s democratic history, despite fierce popular resistance.

  • 29 Mar 2012

    Spain’s ‘indignado’ youth now angry at attempts to help them

    Overqualified, no jobs, and the worst economic year since world war two. What now for Spain’s young?

  • 29 Mar 2012

    As Spain begins a general strike in protest at pro-business labour reforms, Spanish journalist Roman Orozco warns that austerity is turning the country from a welfare state into a state of fear.

  • 27 Mar 2012

    With the NHS bill receiving royal assent, a leaked document drawn up by senior civil servants warns that the government’s reforms could damage the health service.

  • 24 Mar 2012

    Osborne’s simple Granny tax alibi gets complicated

    “What is clear though, is that the Office of Tax Simplification does not offer much of an alibi for the change announced on Wednesday.”

  • 23 Mar 2012

    David Cameron’s alcohol epiphany

    Interesting to see if it moves after the headlines yesterday. I was struck (not physically) at a pensioners’ line-dancing club in Lewisham yesterday by how few pensioners had actually bought a newspaper that day. They’d got their information off the TV news, formed a pretty dim view of what was going on but were, for the most part, not in open revolt.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    Grannies, quicksand, 40p and fruity language

    A level of taxation that was once meant for a relatively small minority of the wealthiest members of the working population could be moving towards a state where a huge chunk of the population might find themselves in its grasp in the course of a working lifetime.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    There have been howls of anguish from pensioners and the press over the chancellor’s plans to make tax allowances for the retired less generous. But is the raid on pensioners really so unfair?

  • 22 Mar 2012

    More than four million pensioners will be worse off following changes announced by Chancellor George Osborne in his budget that have been dubbed a “granny tax”.