Search results for ‘50p’

156 items found

  • 13 Apr 2010

    Labour’s tax pledge a lost chance for political candour

    On the income tax pledge, which is arguably stronger than previous Labour manifesto pledges, as it includes the new top rate tax, it strikes me as a lost opportunity for candour in politics. Clearly guaranteeing rates has little or no impact on the actual tax burden. It makes little sense to guarantee no increase in…

  • 8 Apr 2010

    Michael Caine at the Conservative press conference

    The press conference is all about David Cameron’s pet project of compulsory youth scheme for 16-18-year-olds – something he privately hopes will be a real footprint he can leave on Britain in austere times.

  • 18 Mar 2010

    The government puts off a decision on introducing minimum price for alcohol in England and Wales, as public health officials warn cheap drink is bringing a public health crisis in the North East.

  • 5 Oct 2009

    Boris Johnson, from EastEnders to Europe

    Boris Johnson speaks to a Tory conference in a pickle over Europe and the Lisbon Treaty.

  • 28 Sep 2009

    Darling’s speech: populism meets old fashioned politics

    Populism does not come more de-robed than what we will get on bankers from Labour’s pre-election conference. It starts today with the Chancellors speech. There will be an elaboration of the bank bashing theme.

  • 27 Apr 2009

    Where next for Britain’s uncertain economy?

    Yet more indications today of Britain’s radically altered political landscape. Some irony that the Labour left’s long-desired aim to cancel a raft of multibillion pound defence contracts will, in all probability, be realised by a Conservative chancellor responding to the costs of a crisis in capitalism. I can’t get across enough how much this crisis…