Search results for ‘iPhone’

176 items found

  • 6 Jun 2011

    Apple’s new iCloud service, launched amid the razzmatazz that traditionally accompanies new Apple products, aims to be another game-changer for what is now the world’s biggest tech company.

  • 26 May 2011

    More of us are using 3G broadband than ever but Ofcom finds download speeds are still a lottery, even in cities. A mobile web expert tells Channel 4 News “overload” is a major problem.

  • 25 May 2011

    It’s my little boy’s birthday today. He’s 4. I guess if Mark Zuckerberg had his way instead of shouting “wow” at 5.30 this morning when he saw the pile of presents at the end of his bed he’d have been online checking out his birthday greetings on his Facebook Wall, counting the pokes from his nursery school mates and downloading his gifts from an iTunes account.

  • 22 May 2011

    A new smart phone app is promising to help you “see through the eyes of a friend”. Technology Correspondent Benjamin Cohen looks at Mobli and the rise of “real life” mobile gadgets.

  • 17 May 2011

    Microsoft founder and chairman Bill Gates turned from cut-throat capitalist to philanthropist when he decided to devote himself to his charitable foundation.

  • 28 Mar 2011

    Jonathan Miller reflects on his time in Libya in the hands of “this nasty regime”, seeing the full force of Gaddafi’s power and ruthlessness.

  • 15 Feb 2011

    Britain ‘the sick man of Europe’

    Economics Editor Faisal Islam analyses the latest inflation figures and says an interest rate rise is likely in four or five months

  • 11 Feb 2011

    The mobile phone maker Nokia joins forces with Microsoft to compete with Apple and Google – “a move that makes perfect sense”, writes Technology Correspondent Benjamin Cohen.

  • 27 Jan 2011

    With little more than weather balloon, some foam and a camera two Sheffield University students have recorded amazing footage of the Earth from edges of space. Tom Clarke writes

  • 17 Jan 2011

    Apple share price falls as CEO Steve Jobs takes a medical leave of absence – but the software giant is on too much of a roll to suffer long-term damage, a market expert tells Channel 4 News.

  • 11 Jan 2011

    The Barnsley Central MP Eric Illsley becomes the first sitting member to be convicted of expenses fraud. Our Political Editor, Gary Gibbon, says he is likely to lose his seat, forcing a by-election.

  • 21 Dec 2010

    As thousands struggle with the winter weather ahead of the Christmas holiday Channel 4 News tweeters have been sending in top tips and advice to beat the big freeze.

  • 20 Dec 2010

    #101beattheweather: Soup, salt, tights, chilli flakes and more. Fed up with the winter weather? Channel 4 News tweeters have practical – and unusual – tips for beating the current cold snap.

  • 24 Nov 2010

    Airline security checks: passengers have been sounding very militant recently and the blogosphere is full of people saying they are determined to make their protest at Thanksgiving, blogs Sarah Smith.

  • 22 Nov 2010

    Irish hope: two entrepreneurs on a train

    A chance encounter with two young Irish entrepreneurs on a train.