Search results for ‘HIV’

763 items found

  • 23 Jan 2018

    There’s been a major setback for Rupert Murdoch after the competition watchdog ruled that Fox’s multi-billion pound bid to take over Sky was not in the public interest. An interim ruling from the Competition and Markets Authority said it would give the Murdoch family too much influence over public opinion and the political agenda in…

  • 19 Jan 2018

    The foreign secretary, Boris Johnson, has hinted at the prospect of building a road bridge between the UK and France. FactCheck asks whether such a project would be feasible – and what challenges engineers would be up against.

  • 11 Dec 2017

    It seems from our archive searches that the media generally pays little attention to the Sean MacBride Peace Prize.

  • 5 Dec 2017

    Incredible revelations about Bob Marley are circulating on the internet. According to the story, a retired CIA officer with weeks to live has confessed to assassinating the singer. But it’s fake news.

  • 23 Nov 2017

    As the FBI investigates claims that Russian meddling helped Donald Trump become president, FactCheck looks at America’s own track record of interfering with democratic elections.

  • 21 Nov 2017

    North Korea has obtained the money, knowledge and materials to build nuclear missiles which – it claims – can reach American soil. But it would be in this position without help from the outside world. FactCheck follows North Korea’s nuclear trail, from the Soviet Union to South London.

  • 8 Nov 2017

    It’s a year since Trump’s election. FactCheck looks at how he’s getting on with the wall, the “Muslim ban”, the “greatest jobs president” and more…

  • 27 Oct 2017

    This week, the government introduced upfront NHS fees for overseas visitors. But an investigation by FactCheck has found that crucial details were left out of the costings.

  • 21 Oct 2017

    Nelson Mandela never managed to complete the sequel to his memoir – ‘Long Walk to Freedom’. But now a second volume has been published, after South African writer Mandla Langa managed to access a wealth of archive material, much of it never seen before. ‘Dare Not Linger’ is based on Mandela’s unfinished account of his…

  • 31 Aug 2017

    Storm Harvey has devastated the US state of Texas, with at least 33 people reported dead and thousands forced to evacuate their homes. But how does it compare to other weather disasters in America and around the world?

  • 11 Jul 2017

    An inquiry is to be held into the contaminated blood scandal that left at least 2,400 people dead. Theresa May said it would establish the causes of what she said was an “appalling injustice” that led to thousands of NHS patients given blood products infected with HIV and hepatitis C in the 70s and 80s.

  • 11 Jul 2017

    Labour MP Diana Johnson, who has long campaigned for an inquiry into the blood contamination scandal, and Andy Evans, who was infected with HIV after being given contaminated blood when he was just five, discuss Theresa May’s announcement of an inquiry. He says full compensation would make survivors’ lives easier.

  • 4 Jul 2017

    With North Korea claiming that it is now a ‘full-fledged nuclear power’, FactCheck assess the possibility of nuclear war. How many warheads exist around the world, and what would be the impact if they were used?

  • 27 Jun 2017

    James Waterworth, from the Computer and Communications Industry Association, and Shivaun Raff, founder and CEO of Foundem, discuss the fine levied on Google.

  • 20 Jun 2017

    With a new crop of MPs entering the House of Commons, the media has celebrated “the most diverse Parliament yet”. There are now record numbers of women, ethnic minorities and openly LGBT MPs in the Parliament (although there is still under-representation of these groups). But how about other things, like education and occupation? Do our MPs’ social…