Search results for ‘bill gates’

185 items found

  • 2 Nov 2010

    Councils spend millions on sick days, redundancy payouts, and incentives to get staff to come to work including fruit baskets and M&S vouchers, a Channel 4 News investigation discovers.

  • 2 Nov 2010

    Exclusive: As Channel 4 News reveals the true scale of local authority spending, Siobhan Kennedy asks whether instead of cutting councils loose, the government should be reining them in.

  • 26 Oct 2010

    UK economic growth in the third quarter grew by a better than expected 0.8 per cent. Our Economics Editor, Faisal Islam says it’s the best day of news for George Osborne since he became Chancellor.

  • 26 Oct 2010

    The UK Supreme Court has ruled that Scottish police can no longer question suspects in criminal cases without their lawyer being present. Victoria Macdonald investigates.

  • 19 Oct 2010

    The Government announces an 8 per cent cut to the Defence Budget with almost 50,000 jobs being axed along with naval destroyers, Harrier jets and the Nimrod aircraft project.

  • 17 Oct 2010

    It’s not what he would have wanted. When the Coalition Government announced a strategic defence and security review would be carried out, David Cameron would have been hoping for an easier ride.

  • 15 Oct 2010

    US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has raised concerns over the potential international impact of deep defence spending cuts in the UK, including to the Nato alliance.

  • 12 Oct 2010

    Graduates face paying thousands more for degrees under proposals published today – and Business Secretary Vince Cable tells Gary Gibbon many courses will cease to receive government subsidies.

  • 30 Sep 2010

    In a leaked letter, Defence Secretary Liam Fox tells the Prime Minister of his fears for the nation’s defence capability if the Coalition’s budget cuts aren’t reigned in. But how much will speculated cuts save?

  • 25 Sep 2010

    Ed Miliband beats brother and four other candidates to become new leader of the Labour party. Political Editor Gary Gibbon says the Tories will go hard on Ed being the ‘prisoner of the trade unions’.

  • 23 Sep 2010

    From the attacks on the United States on 9/11 to the growth of Islamist radicals in Yemen, the global terrorist threat has continued to grow despite the efforts of western intelligence agencies.

  • 21 Sep 2010

    The Energy Minister Chris Huhne says he’ll step in if energy providers continue to impose “outrageous” price hikes on customers, and promises Britain’s ‘Green Revolution’ will be a ‘beacon to others.’

  • 20 Sep 2010

    The coalition’s schools policy comes under fire from activists at the Lib Dem conference in a move that risks embarrassing the party leadership, says Political Editor Gary Gibbon.

  • 13 Sep 2010

    George Osborne is called on for an emergency debate questioning the government’s programme of cuts, as the spectre of collective union strikes rises on the back of the TUC’s meeting in Manchester.

  • 2 Sep 2010

    After months of hype the Copenhagen climate change summit took place in December 2009 but resulted not in a binding deal between the world’s leaders, but an “accord”.