Search results for ‘cameron merkel’

223 items found

  • 20 May 2012

    Nato leaders’ isolation has rarely been greater

    The irony is that just as the world’s embattled leaders stand increasingly accused of being out of touch they closet themselves away more and more, writes Channel 4 News Washington Correspondent Matt Frei.

  • 20 May 2012

    Chelsea fans line the streets of west London on Sunday as the team celebrates the club’s historic Champions League and FA Cup double with a victory parade.

  • 18 May 2012

    Just back from a most remarkable exchange with the European Commission Vice President Olli Rehn. Responsible for Economic Affairs and the Euro his head seems to be in a vice right now – he simply refuses to answer several questions on the grounds he does not want the outcome I am asking him about.

  • 18 May 2012

    Amid fears that Greece may be on the verge of leaving the euro, a senior EU commissioner tells Channel 4 News that there are no preparations for an exit.

  • 16 May 2012

    Greece sets the date for fresh elections next month and will form a caretaker government, after talks aimed at forming a coalition failed.

  • 23 Apr 2012

    After a week of testimony by the man accused of killing 77 people, political scientist Matthew Goodwin looks at what his words reveal about his ideology and the wider far right movement in Europe.

  • 23 Apr 2012

    After triumphing in the first round of the French presidential elections, Francois Hollande is now favourite to move into the Elysee Palace. Channel 4 News looks at what he stands for.

  • 13 Mar 2012

    Is the UK just a date for the US on a lonely night?

    President Obama has realised that even if he doesn’t stay up at night worrying about how essential or special the relationship is, there is something useful about a mate you can rely on, like a permanently available date for a lonely night.

  • 14 Feb 2012

    Prepare for Franco-British inactivity on Syria

    Syria is already being talked up as a central topic at the Anglo-French summit between David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy on Friday. Can the old duo revive their Libya double-act? To which the answer is: forget it.

  • 21 Dec 2011

    A few thoughts on the headlines in 2012

    Government ministers will spend most of the year bedecked in high-visibility jackets to remind you how busy they are pushing growth … but rising unemployment, insolvencies and low confidence seem with us for 2012.

  • 16 Dec 2011

    With the war of words continuing over the relative health of the British and French economies, money market rumours suggest France could have its credit rating downgraded, as Jane Deith reports.

  • 9 Dec 2011

    Have David Cameron’s actions in Europe isolated the UK politically? One German MEP tells Channel 4 News: “They’ve asked too much and got nothing.”

  • 9 Dec 2011

    Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy may believe they have found a solution to the eurozone debt crisis – but economists are not convinced, Channel 4 News finds.

  • 8 Dec 2011

    As David Cameron slugged away on a deal to save the eurozone, David Davis hit the airwaves to insist that the PM should put his foot down should any seperate deal be tabled by the 17 euro members. All Cameron has to do is “point out the legalities”, Davis said, adding that the idea of a plan that didn’t include all 27 members was “not feasible”. Is he right or could the 17 go it alone?

  • 8 Dec 2011

    Angela Merkel says EU leaders have a “duty” to come to an agreement ahead of the EU summit in Brussels, as the European Central Bank drops interest rates to try and rescue EU banks.