Search results for ‘iPhone’

176 items found

  • 16 Nov 2010

    “Email is dead, long live social mail,” was the effective cry of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Channel 4 News Technology Correspondent Benjamin Cohen asks whether Zuckerberg just killed off email.

  • 26 Oct 2010

    Have rumours of the Sony Walkman’s death been greatly exaggerated? As Channel 4 News discovers, there’s life in the tape heads yet and a new wave of bands keen to release their music on cassette.

  • 21 Oct 2010

    Spending review: a pot pourri of stealth cuts?

    It is rather difficult to escape the notion that in an almost crazed desire to be seen as “fair”, the Coalition has made a bit of a dog’s dinner of the spending review.

  • 8 Oct 2010

    An anonymous bidder yesterday saw off competition from a museum to pay £2.3m for a Roman helmet found in a field. But Nick Martin learns the museum has not given up on its quest for the helmet yet.

  • 6 Oct 2010

    While technology companies try to convince us they have the big ideas is genuine innovation on hold at the moment?

  • 29 Sep 2010

    As a Mumbai-style attack on the UK is foiled, a leading counter-terror analyst tell Channel 4 News a random strike by a “couple of individuals” could cause “deep impact”.

  • 12 Jul 2010

    Could students pay their way through university with a graduate tax?

    Gary Gibbon blogs on how the coalition government is giving serious thought to introducing a graduate tax, rather than a big rise in tuition fees.

  • 28 May 2010

    Krishnan Guru-Murthy says the iPad is not going to “transform your life the way having a mobile phone or a laptop computer did”, but the gadget “instantly makes you imagine its potential”.

  • 12 Mar 2010

    OK, so I'm biased. I shall be supporting the underdog

    Jon Snow writes from Hull as he addresses the issue of bias.

  • 11 Mar 2010

    On the road in Luton

    I am on the road in UK PLC taking the temperature ahead of the impending election. Luton is to be my first stop – I catch the 22.32 train from London’s St Pancras. What a station; what a train! A winter palace contrasted with an elderly cake tin. The cake tin takes off at surprising speed.…

  • 15 Oct 2009

    Hats off, everyone, to Ugo Borga, Matteo Fagotto and Giampaolo Musumeci. They are the brave team of Italian journalists behind tonight’s rare and exclusive glimpse of life inside the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Giampaolo is the cameraman. If his shots aren’t the steadiest, you’ll have to forgive him. You don’t hang about in Mogadishu, surely the…