Search results for ‘ken clarke’

359 items found

  • 23 Mar 2010

    David Cameron claims that Labour election leaflets “are quite simply lies” when they say his party would cut the winter fuel allowance, free bus travel and the free TV licence.

  • 3 Feb 2010

    A quick one from the archive: we cast our eye back over some of the most dubious statements made by politicians of all kinds last year, as debunked by FactCheck. Miscounting Gurkhas “What I can’t do, which is what some are asking me to do but the judge did not, is to grant every Gurkha…

  • 5 Oct 2009

    A party caught in the glare of its headlights

    It hits you like a tidal wave. No sooner are you through the doors of the Manchester Exchange than you are amid a morass of suited, white-shirted, tied-up business folk. Or that’s what it appears.

  • 5 Oct 2009

    Continued confusion over a Europe referendum

    It was a bit of a walk and talk and he didn’t want to stop, but I think Ken Clarke just told us that he thought it was the settled policy of the Tory Party to have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty and nothing else. The leadership is clearly thinking about a referendum on…

  • 15 Sep 2009

    Will Brown’s talk of ‘cuts’ leave unions baying for blood?

    Gordon Brown prepares to talk about “cuts” in his speech to the TUC Conference – but will the unions bay for blood?

  • 27 Jan 2009

    Clash of the political titans. Not.

    Today heralded the great domestic political clash of the titans: Peter Mandelson versus Ken Clarke. Each a big beast in their own party, it would have been the first time they had collided since Clarke took over the business portfolio in opposition to Secretary of State Mandelson. The latter has announced a rescue package for…

  • 22 Aug 2024

    The Czech President made the suggestion this week.

  • 3 Jul 2024

    Many high-profile Conservatives are at risk of losing their seats, giving us the prospect of many so-called Portillo moments on Thursday night. Our Data Correspondent Ciaran Jenkins has been looking at which constituencies to watch out for as the results come in.

  • 11 Feb 2022

    Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is under threat as warming summer temperatures threaten mass bleaching events, a reaction to excessive heat which weakens or even destroys the coral. 

  • 1 Sep 2020

    The StandUpX website makes a number of claims which are highly debatable or straightforwardly untrue.

  • 23 Oct 2018

    Cabinet saw ‘sharp’ exchanges on Brexit

    Cabinet saw “sharp” exchanges on Brexit, according to one who was around the table. Ministers who really don’t like the emerging outline of a deal made forceful arguments against it. They included born again Brexiteers, Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid. But the pithiest attack sounds like it came from the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox. In what…

  • 16 May 2018

    Inmates at Nottingham Prison may have taken their own lives because they could no longer face conditions there, according to the chief prisons inspector. Peter Clarke said that for too long prisoners there had been held in a dangerous and disrespectful environment. His report found there had been eight self-inflicted deaths at the jail since…

  • 15 May 2018

    Restraint methods used on asylum seekers found to be excessive

    The restraint methods used on asylum seekers transferred from the UK to other countries has been found to be excessive, unreasonable, and disproportionate according to the chief inspector of prisons months after the Home Office said the practice had stopped. Peter Clarke said they had serious concerns about the way a plane load of detainees were treated…

  • 4 May 2018

    Local election votes and Brexit committee penalty shoot-out

    On Theresa May’s election victory tour, Channel 4 News’ Anja Popp asked her: “Are you tempted to call a snap general election Prime Minister?” Theresa May laughed and said: “No I think we’ll just enjoy this …” before her ad-lib drifted off. One pro-Remain Conservative told me last night’s results were “a bit of a disaster for our…

  • 8 Jan 2018

    Reshuffle: night of the long plastic forks

    Well it wasn’t really worth the drum roll build-up. As reshuffles go this has not been transformatory. There’s more still to come tomorrow with middle and junior ranks outside the Cabinet, but Theresa may has not felt able to shift big irritants from senior jobs and, as I write,  has yet to announce any Cabinet sackings.…