Search results for ‘Britain’

7,652 items found

  • 13 Apr 2018

    Russian military chiefs have accused Britain of “direct involvement” in staging the alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian town of Douma, a claim roundly dismissed by Britain’s UN ambassador as a “blatant lie”. The United States says it has yet to decide on possible military retaliation, while Labour cautioned against joining any bombing campaign,…

  • 2 Apr 2018

    Russia’s foreign minister has suggested the British secret services may have been involved in the poison attack on former spy Sergei Skripal to distract attention away from Brexit. At the same time, the Kremlin has revealed that Donald Trump has invited President Putin to the White House. US officials have confirmed the invitation. From Washington,…

  • 7 Mar 2018

    The red carpet was rolled out for the Saudi crown prince’s visit to Britain today, but Theresa May said she would raise human rights issues in her talks with Mohammed bin Salman, as Jeremy Corbyn accused the government of “colluding” in war crimes by Saudi forces in the Yemen civil war. Mrs May strongly defended…

  • 3 Mar 2018

    Snow is still thick on the ground across much of the country, where the ‘Beast from the East’ and Storm Emma continue to cause havoc. Andy Davies reports.

  • 2 Mar 2018

    With plummeting temperatures and extreme snow storms, Britain is still being battered by cold chaos. Tomorrow night we will bring you a special extended programme on this week’s unprecedented cold snap. With reports from Scotland, Wales and the South-West of England, we’ll cover what havoc the ‘Beast from the East’ has wrought on the country…

  • 1 Mar 2018

    Across the country, the extreme weather has been causing yet more chaos. In Cornwall, police urged drivers to stay at home after a seven year old girl was killed in an accident. The National Grid said there may not be enough gas to meet the demands of both domestic and industrial users, although it emphasised that…

  • 18 Jan 2018

    Severe gales have proved fatal as stormy weather battered Britain and continental Europe. Three people died in the Netherlands as gusts of over 80 miles per hour toppled trees, blew over lorries and ripped off rooves. Here in Britain, fallen trees  blocked railway lines and roads and thousands of homes and businesses were left without…

  • 9 Jan 2018

    As Kim Jong-un prepares to send a team to the South Korea Winter Olympics, Team GB are also looking to next month’s Games. Back in the summer of 2016, Britain’s Paralympians were triumphant in Rio. The team smashed their own targets, winning 147 medals. Today they set out their stall for the Winter Olympics, with…

  • 11 Dec 2017

    As Britain freezes so too do the thousands sleeping rough in towns and cities across the country, Whilst the majority of us worry about staying warm, for those on the streets the priority is staying alive in sub-zero temperatures.

  • 10 Dec 2017

    Major roads were brought to a standstill, flights were suspended and railways disrupted as heavy snow and high winds hit large parts of England and Wales.

  • 8 Dec 2017

    So was the deal announced today really what brexit supporters were anticipating?

  • 21 Nov 2017

    Our Economics Correspondent Helia Ebrahimi has gone to one of the areas of lowest productivity in the UK to examine what’s going on.

  • 20 Nov 2017

    Britain’s Brexit bill could be double the amount that Theresa May offered the EU in September. The critical cabinet committee in charge of making the decision has just finished meeting in Downing Street. The EU says without that promise of extra money, the talks won’t move on to the future trading relationship, and the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier has also warned Britain…

  • 6 Oct 2017

    It “shames our generation”. That’s how Environment Secretary Michael Gove described the killing of elephants for ivory, as he announced plans for a near total ban on trade in ivory in the UK. The government insists the plans are driven by concern for elephants, but it could also be a big vote winner. Research shows…

  • 11 Sep 2017

    A new show tracking the career of one of Britain’s leading contemporary artists, Rachel Whiteread, opens tomorrow at London’s Tate Britain gallery.