Search results for ‘Graduates’

191 items found

  • 11 Oct 2010

    The claim “The average cost of this world-leading teaching provision has been estimated to be in the region of £16,000 per student.” University of Oxford submission to the Browne Review into higher education The background With the publication of the Browne Review into university funding just a few hours away, the big debate in higher…

  • 11 Oct 2010

    The gateway of opportunity is closed for millions while attempts to fix the pay gap are “grinding to a halt”, according to a new report. Campaigners tell Channel 4 News the divisions are a “disgrace”.

  • 9 Oct 2010

    How would you like to begin your adult life with debts in excess of £40k? Writing for Channel 4 News, NUS President Aaron Porter urges Lord Browne to recall his own student days for the answer.

  • 22 Sep 2010

    Business Secretary Vince Cable launches an attack on the worst excesses of capitalism in what Gary Gibbon says is a coded warning to Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg.

  • 21 Sep 2010

    The Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg tells Channel 4 News that party members who voted against the coalition government’s plans to set up free schools have misunderstood what the policy is about.

  • 7 Sep 2010

    Coalition’s tricky questions on Lord Browne’s university funding review

    Gary Gibbon blogs on the tough choices facing the coalition government with the impending publication of Lord Browne’s review into higher education funding.

  • 15 Jul 2010

    Vince Cable on university funding

    Gary Gibbon reports from Vince Cable’s lecture to vice-chancellors at London South Bank University.

  • 18 Jun 2010

    Michael Gove said he’d pay for his Swedish-style “free schools” with cash from the Building Schools for the Future programme – but today that was ruled out. Channel 4 News FactCheck investigates.

  • 15 Feb 2010

    Does Michael Gove MP’s claim that only 45 boys and girls eligible for free school meals got into Oxbridge stand up?

  • 16 Jun 2009

    Britain's jobless: a green agenda

    Tomorrow official unemployment figures will show another alarming rise in people out of work. So far the private sector has born the brunt, but today the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development is warning the public sector is likely to be badly hit, losing 350,000 over the next five years.

  • 10 Feb 2009

    Are bankers alone to blame for our plight?

    I am watching these four bankers before the treasury select committee in the Commons. And I am watching our elected representatives struggling to rise to what is expected of them. The MPs are manifestly under-briefed in comparison with their American counterparts, who have large teams working on a thing like this. Our representatives have the…