Search results for ‘al assad’

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  • 23 Feb 2018

    Krishnan Guru-Murthy reports from the Syrian capital Damascus.

  • 23 Jan 2018

    There’s a new glimpse into the final months of the last American President in a fly-on-the-wall documentary that’s just been released. The  Final Year follows Barack Obama’s foreign policy team as they race to secure his goals on the world stage, with the clock ticking down to election day. One of that team’s central figures was the PulitzerPrize-winning author and youngest…

  • 13 Jan 2018

    African leaders have demanded that Donald Trump apologise over his alleged use of a vulgar term to describe their nations. The Ghanaian president called the words he is said to have used “extremely unfortunate” and 54 African ambassadors to the United Nations condemned what they said were his “outrageous, racist and xenophobic remarks”. The US…

  • 21 Dec 2017

    It’s a year since rebels lost the city of Aleppo to Syrian and Russian forces – a turning point in the war, and a decisive win for President Assad. This programme reported extensively from inside the besieged city with reports by filmmaker Waad Al-Khateab – but it was the fate of one man – who…

  • 16 Nov 2017

    We’ve heard a lot in recent weeks about Russia’s alleged involvement in the EU referendum. On Monday, Theresa May said Vladimir Putin’s government was trying to “undermine free societies” and was “planting fake stories” to “sow discord in the West”. Although on Wednesday, the Prime Minister appeared to soften her language. She told parliament: “if…

  • 14 Nov 2017

    Having been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for over five years, you’d think the last place WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange would want to go is another embassy. But it’s emerged that WikiLeaks lobbied the Trump campaign to get them to publicly endorse Julian Assange as a candidate to be Australia’s next ambassador…

  • 11 Oct 2017

    Edgar Vasquez, US State Department spokesman for Near Eastern Affairs, discusses Iran’s role in Syria and the nuclear deal.

  • 29 Aug 2017

    The Sri Lankan government has denied its ambassador to Brazil is on the run, after a human rights group filed war crimes charges against him there.

  • 13 Jun 2017

    In the last few minutes, the US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has begun testifying in the Senate about his dealings with Russian officials and whether he had a role in the sacking of former FBI chief James Comey. Senators will want to know why Mr Sessions said he’d had no contact with the Russians last…

  • 6 Apr 2017

    Earlier I spoke with Khalid Al Mubarak, who is the press attache to the Embassy of Sudan in London, and Dame Rosalind Marsden who was the British Ambassador to Sudan, followed by becoming the EU Special Representative for Sudan and South Sudan. She’s now an associate fellow at Chatham House.

  • 6 Apr 2017

    Joining us from Central London is Karen von Hippel, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State at the US State Department and director of the foreign policy think tank, the Royal United Services Institute.  And from Abu Dhabi, the US diplomat Ali Khedery who was a special assistant to five American ambassadors in Iraq, and…

  • 5 Apr 2017

    In December 2016, freelance journalist Phil Cox and Darfuri author Daoud Hari were abducted while travelling in Sudan to film an investigation into human rights abuses.

  • 3 Apr 2017

    Malcolm Chalmers, director of the proliferation and nuclear policy programme at the Royal United Services Institute, and Christopher Hill, dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and former Ambassador to South Korea.

  • 3 Mar 2017

    Donald Trump has leapt to the defence of his embattled Attorney General Jeff Sessions, calling him an “honest man”. Democrats claim Mr Sessions lied under oath by claiming he’d had no contacts with the Russians during the election campaign, when he had actually met with the Russian ambassador.

  • 7 Feb 2017

    Ted Malloch, who’s worked as an adviser to Donald Trump and is being lined up to become the next US ambassador to the EU.