Search results for ‘alistair darling’

211 items found

  • 14 Feb 2010

    Denis Healey and the man behind Britain’s IMF bail-out

    Interviewing Denis Healey and former IMF chief Johannes Witteveen about the day Britain had to be bailed out by the IMF.

  • 28 Jan 2010

    Cameron commits to cuts even if Britain’s economy relapses

    Economics correspondent Faisal Islam describes interviewing Conservative leader David Cameron, who says his party would start cutting the deficit this year, even if Britain relapses into recession.

  • 11 Jan 2010

    Balls on the attempted leadership coup

    (UPDATED: now with video of Ed Balls interview.) To the QE2 centre in Westminster where Gordon Brown sat on a platform flanked by Ed Balls and Peter Mandelson, a lecturn either side of them. I thought the PM might be about to chair a debate between the two consorts, but alas not. It was an international education conference (which…

  • 7 Jan 2010

    Meetings add intrigue to the Labour plot

    Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon reveals what happened in the hours between the publication of Geoff Hoon and Patricia Hewitt’s letter and senior Cabinet figures making their first statements.

  • 9 Dec 2009

    Time to call a halt to ratings agencies?

    What a strange world we live in. The economics team I work with – Faisal and his backroom wizard, Neil Macdonald, tell me, and you, that today’s UK pre-budget report will stand or fall on the whims of a handful of economists across the world. Not any old economist but largely those who work for…

  • 29 Sep 2009

    Spending promises from Brown

    Gordon Brown is trying to show us the chasm between Labour and the Conservatives by showing a bit of ankle on the Pre-Budget Report.

  • 15 Sep 2009

    Will Brown’s talk of ‘cuts’ leave unions baying for blood?

    Gordon Brown prepares to talk about “cuts” in his speech to the TUC Conference – but will the unions bay for blood?

  • 8 Sep 2009

    Chicago defends itself against Keynesian attacks

    So in the battle for the soul of economics, Nobel prize-winner Paul Krugman declares victory for the New Keynesians. In a 6,700 word article for the New York Times magazine, Krugman uses the experience of the last two crisis-ridden years not just to pin some of the blame on the Chicago school of free market…

  • 25 Aug 2009

    How Britain could have saved Lehman Brothers

    Lehman’s bankruptcy changed the world. It sent world economy into a precipitous decline that’s matched the Great Depression. It arguably changed the course of the US election. It was a violent economic event that will be debated for decades. Much of the mystery surrounds the events of the weekend of the 13th/ 14th September 2008,…

  • 9 Jun 2009

    The government hung by a cashmere thread

    So Gordon Brown is through this storm. And he has Peter Mandelson to thank for it. For one moment on Thursday night, the government hung by a cashmere thread. But Peter Mandelson rallied David Miliband, the moment of maximum danger passed. The Prime Minister is a weakened figure sitting in the Cabinet this morning. He…

  • 5 Jun 2009

    Purnell breaks from the pack to plunge the knife

    To answer my own initial question: Purnell has broken from the pack. He has done what David Miliband, conceivably Andy Burnham, and maybe John Hutton (of whom more in a moment), might have done and must have been thinking of doing. Purnell has plunged a knife that has been waiting for such an exercise for…

  • 5 Jun 2009

    It was Mandelson who Balls it up for Ed

    New rumour is that Gordon Brown didn’t actually decide to keep Alistair Darling in place until this morning and that an early morning conversation with Peter Mandelson swung it. That won’t do much for Mandelson/Balls relations, which had been patched up since Lord Mandelson’s return to government. Ed Balls will be feeling frustrated that his…

  • 5 Jun 2009

    Balls! How Gordon’s dream ended

    Alistair Darling saw the Prime Minister last night for a long conversation and made it plain he didn’t think he should be thrown out of the Chancellorship. The chancellor was offered a number of jobs but turned them all down. I believe Mr Darling left still not entirely clear whether he had won his right…

  • 3 Jun 2009

    A spectacle we have never seen before

    A political crisis This is a political spectacle none of us has ever seen before. The government is reshuffling itself. Hazel Blears has just shuffled herself out of the Cabinet. She’d have been fired anyway over her second homery and non-payment of capital gains tax. Two other ministers, one of them another woman, are expected…

  • 23 May 2009

    The UK financial system was bailed out by the taxpayer to the tune of £500bn in 2008. Economics Editor Faisal Islam analyses the government’s response as it pumped billions of pounds into the city.