Search results for ‘hillary clinton’

314 items found

  • 12 Oct 2011

    The US and Saudi Arabia are to take Iran to the UN Security Council for its alleged role in a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador, as Washington Correspondent Matt Frei reports.

  • 10 Sep 2011

    Dow delivers verdict on Obama’s jobs plan

    “Sadly, the markets have drooped because they believe Obama’s jobs initiative won’t dig America out of the economic quicksand.”

  • 10 Sep 2011

    Cleared for release in 2007, British resident Shaker Aamer is on hunger strike as lawyers say he was routinely beaten on days his legal team was due to meet him.

  • 1 Sep 2011

    As world leaders meet for a key summit on Libya, one analyst tells Channel 4 News there is a diplomatic scramble to establish Libya’s new government and avoid a “terrific embarrassment”.

  • 18 Aug 2011

    US President Barack Obama, David Cameron and other EU leaders have called on Syrian president Assad to relinquish power.

  • 16 Aug 2011

    As a Scud missile is fired by the Libyan government’s forces, the US Defence Secretary says the regime’s “days are numbered”.

  • 2 Aug 2011

    Exclusive: Filmmaker Greg Brosnan, working for Channel 4 News, gains access to investigators hunting a Guatemalan drug gang – as International Editor Lindsey Hilsum reports.

  • 19 Jul 2011

    Despite a face-to-face meeting between US officials and Gaddafi aides, fighting continues in Libya and the two sides remain poles apart over any peaceful solution for the country.

  • 1 Jul 2011

    Reports say government forces in Syria have killed nine protesters, as tens of thousands of demonstrators across the country call on President Assad to step down.

  • 30 Jun 2011

    Governments, Libyan rebels and Nato have made much of the supposed use of foreign mercenaries and allegations of systemic mass rape to justify the war against Colonel Gaddafi. But little to no evidence has been produced to justify the claims.

  • 23 Jun 2011

    It is estimated that the UK’s military operation in Libya will cost around £260m. Defence Secretary Liam Fox said protecting civilians is driving up the cost.

  • 23 Jun 2011

    France follows US President Barack Obama by outlining a phased withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Gary Gibbon looks at the political strategies at play in ending the decade-long war.

  • 17 Jun 2011

    US congressman Anthony Weiner announces his resignation while facing hecklers at a raucous press conference, ending weeks of scandal after he sent lewd photos of himself to women online.

  • 15 Jun 2011

    Julian Assange has put himself up for sale on eBay, offering bidders the chance to join him for lunch. So does it mean WikiLeaks has run out of money? Not yet, says a former spokesman for the group.

  • 9 Jun 2011

    Western and Arab countries pledge more than $1.1bn in funding for Libya’s Transitional National Council at a meeting of the Contact Group on Libya in Abu Dhabi.