Search results for ‘middle east’

1,945 items found

  • 21 Aug 2012

    Rebecca Jones is appealing to the UK government for help to bring home her son after his father’s Qatari family took custody of him during a visit to the Middle East state.

  • 30 May 2012

    Experts believe a computer worm that has collected information from computers across the Middle East is the creation of state-sponsored engineers.

  • 14 Apr 2012

    Iran and six world powers begin rare talks to try to halt a downward diplomatic spiral over Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme and ease fears of a new Middle East war.

  • 12 Apr 2012

    The Kofi Annan-brokered ceasefire in Syria will fail because of irreconcilable ambitions within the country, regionally and internationally, Middle East and security experts tell Channel 4 News.

  • 7 Mar 2012

    Israel’s prime minister leaves Washington with President Obama’s promise that the US ‘has Israel’s back’, but two Middle East experts say Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit has created even more confusion.

  • 3 Mar 2012

    As Russia struggles to maintain political clout in the Middle East by its support for the Assad regime, Channel 4 News considers if the global reach of the once mighty Soviet empire has dwindled.

  • 11 Feb 2012

    As the death toll mounts in Syria’s bloody uprising, thousands of people are staging a mass rally in London to show their solidarity with protesters across the Middle East.

  • 23 Jan 2012

    It’s all brinkmanship, and goes to prove how the volatile politics of the Middle East affects all of our lives, writes Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum.

  • 7 Jan 2012

    It is being dubbed the second scramble for Africa: millions of acres of land are being snapped up by companies from Asia and the Middle East, our foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Rugman reports.

  • 29 Nov 2011

    The UK asks Iran to act “with utmost urgency” to protect the British embassy as a Middle East analyst tells Channel 4 News the protesters could be “rent-a-mob”.

  • 11 Oct 2011

    BlackBerry service issues have spread from Europe, the Middle East and Africa to Latin America and India, following an unexplained glitch, hours after the company owners said it had fixed the problem.

  • 1 Sep 2011

    The defection of a Syrian Attorney General, who claims to have witnessed the killings of 72 prisoners in Hama, is “an important moment” for the country, a Middle East expert tells Channel 4 News.

  • 8 Jul 2011

    Both gas and electricity prices will see a steep increase next month. British Gas blames the rise on the unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, and the increased consumption in Asia.

  • 27 May 2011

    With uprisings sweeping the Middle East, and fugitive killers like Osama bin Laden and Ratko Mladic captured, this is a historic year. Lindsey Hilsum looks at the historic stories that are being missed.

  • 19 May 2011

    Al-Qaeda releases a tape said to feature Osama bin Laden praising this year’s uprisings in the Middle East and calling for more Muslim “tyrants” to be toppled.