Search results for ‘UN resolution’

683 items found

  • 10 Mar 2012

    President Bashar al-Assad tells UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan that no political solution is possible in Syria while “terrorist” groups are destabilising the country.

  • 23 Feb 2012

    Echoes of Bosnia in Syria’s agony

    Matt Frei reflects on the lessons of Bosnia as the bloody plight of Syria unfolds

  • 10 Feb 2012

    Syrian state television reports 28 deaths after “terrorist explosions” in the city of Aleppo, but the Free Syrian Army tells Channel 4 News the government is seeking to distract attention from Homs.

  • 7 Feb 2012

    Russia’s foreign minister holds talks with President Assad in Syria, during an extended attack on Homs that has so far killed hundreds of civilians.

  • 19 Jan 2012

    As the Arab League observers pull out, Channel 4 News Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Miller asks what’s next for Syria, as it appears to slide unstoppably towards civil war.

  • 17 Nov 2011

    Behind the scenes, the diplomatic momentum on Syria is growing. We are not just talking about the Arab League giving President Assad three days to halt the violence. I understand that senior American diplomats are travelling to Paris today to meet Syrian opposition figures, as well as a conclave of the British, French, Turks, Saudis…

  • 9 Nov 2011

    As Syrian troops continue their bloody crackdown on protesters in Homs, a human rights group tells Channel 4 News that Syria “will be suspended from the Arab League” at talks on Saturday.

  • 21 Oct 2011

    The world reacts to the end of Colonel Gaddafi’s 42-year grip on Libya as the US warns of “difficult days ahead” following his death. Meanwhile, Gaddafi’s burial has been delayed.

  • 6 Oct 2011

    As army defectors battle in Jabal al-Zawiya, a rights group tells Channel 4 News of evidence that President Assad’s forces are stepping up a campaign of rape in affluent areas to ‘incite civil war.’

  • 12 Sep 2011

    Cameron in Russia: The start of a ‘slow thaw’ in relations?

    David Cameron is now in Moscow. The first British Prime Minister to be here since Tony Blair in 2006. Moscow was ripped out of the regular round of Prime Ministerial trips when the former KGB agent Alexander Litvenenko was murdered in London.

  • 24 Aug 2011

    No ‘mission accomplished’ moment for Cameron on Libya

    There will be no “mission accomplished” style banner on Libya when David Cameron attends the Paris Conference next week, blogs Political Editor Gary Gibbon.

  • 27 Jul 2011

    Hague’s Libya move less than it appears

    Is there less than meets the eye to William Hague’s statement on recognising the NTC in Libya as the government, asks our Political Editor.

  • 30 Jun 2011

    A senior French diplomat tells Channel 4 News a weapon drop to rebel-held areas was a legally-justified move to protect civilians, and that France won’t rule out deploying more arms in the future.

  • 27 Jun 2011

    China’s Wen snaps back at human rights ‘finger pointing’

    Political Editor Gary Gibbon blogs on the diplo-speak in force as Premier Wen addresses Chinese human rights at a press conference with David Cameron.

  • 15 Jun 2011

    As 10 Congressmen begin legal action to halt US involvement in Libya, David Cameron says the cost of operations is sustainable. Channel 4 News looks at who is winning the war in Libya.