Search results for ‘arab spring’

298 items found

  • 24 Oct 2011

    Death and the dictator

    Jon Snow on the varied fates of deposed dictators.

  • 21 Oct 2011

    Hundreds of Turkish commandos have attacked Kurdish militants in northern Iraq. Officials say they have killed 21 PKK fighters in an offensive to avenge the deaths of 24 Turkish soldiers.

  • 20 Oct 2011

    Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi seized power in Libya in 1969 and ruled until 2011, bringing to its people relative prosperity but subjecting them to a hardline, oppressive dictatorship.

  • 18 Oct 2011

    Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit returns to Israel as the first of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners leave jail in a prisoner exchange deal. Channel 4 News analyses what the deal means.

  • 18 Oct 2011

    Freed at last: after five years in captivity, the young Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit is back on home soil. But was the deal behind his release too high a price for Israel to pay?

  • 17 Oct 2011

    The film's the thing…

    Last night I admit moments made me cry. But Fiennes has transcended all reservation. I would not have missed seeing it for anything, but I shan’t be giving up the day job!

  • 15 Oct 2011

    The Occupy Wall Street movement inspires protests in the UK and dozens of other countries, as campaigners rage against bankers and politicians accused of condemning millions to hardship.

  • 10 Oct 2011

    Egypt’s ruling military have today been criticised for their violent handling of a Coptic Christian protest, as the suspected death toll in Cairo rises to 25.

  • 5 Oct 2011

    Drivers stung by high fuel prices have cut petrol use by 15 per cent since the credit crunch hit, new figures show. The AA tells Channel 4 News it is a welcome environmental boost – but at a price.

  • 23 Sep 2011

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas asks the United Nations to recognise a state for his people.

  • 22 Sep 2011

    Lose, lose for Obama – and Palestinians too

    Matt Frei mulls over why the Americans have put the boot into Palestinian statehood.

  • 21 Sep 2011

    US President Barack Obama makes a last-ditch attempt to head off the Palestinians’ bid for statehood at the United Nations, saying there is “no short cut” to solving the decades-long conflict.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    It has become quite fashionable to say 911 didn’t really change the world. A rash of commentary has recently argued that the decade of Al Qaeda while bloody and terrible will not have the future consequences we may once have feared. The argument runs : the world changed, the centre of economic gravity changed, the role and power of America in the world changed but much of it happened regardless of the “war on terror” and the clash of civilisations will never quite happen – especially now Bin Laden is dead. This makes for clever columns but seems ultimately rather unhelpful. The need to understand what has changed seems greater than ever before anyone claims victory and moves on, just because the troops are coming home from Afghanistan.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    Defence Secretary Liam Fox gives strong support to the defence industry at the opening of the UK’s DSEi arms fair, which includes delegates from Bahrain.

  • 12 Sep 2011

    Ten years from now

    9/12, and they are already pumping oil again in Libya. 9/12, and we are still at war in Afghanistan. 9/12, and can anyone claim that Iraq is at peace? It is hard to imagine that in 2021 when we consider the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, the terrible loss in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania will remain isolated from the terrible death, maiming and displacement of civilians and military alike that have flowed from the West’s response to the Al Qaida attacks.