Search results for ‘saddam’

204 items found

  • 26 Nov 2009

    Iraq war inquiry day three throws up a few gremlins and evidence that Bush and Blair may have agreed on the invasion at private talks in Texas 11 months before the war began, writes the Iraq Inquiry blogger for Channel 4 News.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry blogger says there has been a flurry of excitement among journalists as details emerge about intelligence concerning Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons plan, received on the eve of the conflict led by Tony Blair and George W Bush.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry blogger says there has been a flurry of excitement among journalists as details emerge about intelligence concerning Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons plan, received on the eve of the conflict led by Tony Blair and George W Bush.

  • 24 Nov 2009

    The first day of the Iraq inquiry was characterised by the emergence of a potential “attack dog” in the shape of Sir Roderic Lyne and the appearance of some almost incomprehensible live transcripts.

  • 30 Jun 2009

    As the US pulls out, what did the Iraq war achieve?

    Iraq is a country I have visited many times since I was first there to report from the front line of the harrowing Iran/iraq war in 1980. Foreign intervention and interference has dogged it for more than a century. No wonder Baghdad is seized with parties and celebration. For the promised American pull-out from Iraq…

  • 15 May 2009

    WASHINGTON DC, USA – There are lots of questions that lots of people would like to ask former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld. But right now the only “known known” is that he is not answering any. Unlike his old mate, the former vice president Dick Cheney, who is far more visible and far more vocal…

  • 23 Feb 2009

    I remember the horror when we entered the plundered Baghdad Museum two days after the Americans took the Iraqi capital in April 2003. We picked our way through broken shards of pottery and destroyed statues – the looters had smashed as well as grabbed. A lone archaeologist was wandering around in shock. “We would have…

  • 19 Feb 2009

    Expect no apology from Bush shoe thrower

    The Iraqi shoe thrower appeared before a Baghdad court today. A short appearance, as it turned out – the case was quickly adjourned. Muntazer al-Zaidi, the 27 year-old journalist who threw both his shoes at George Bush on the US president’s final visit to Baghdad in December, has not been seen since allegations that he…

  • 10 Apr 2003

    During the hunt for Saddam Hussein Lindsey Hilsum and her team encounter civilians who had been killed or injured in the fighting – including 5-year-old Zahra who had been shot in the head by American snipers.