Search results for ‘President Mubarak’

229 items found

  • 5 Feb 2011

    The pro-democracy protesters are now effectively contained in a ring of steel consisting of tanks and troops. It protects them from the pro-Mubarak thugs, but it also keeps them under control. And I saw people being prevented from taking food into the protest zone – so this is a war of attrition, and the state has more weapons in its favour.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    The Egyptian Army’s passivity in the bloody protests suggests an internal conflict of agendas, one which could inspire a coup by lower-level officers, a former Army Commander tells Channel 4 News.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    The Egyptian Army’s passivity in the bloody protests suggests an internal conflict of agendas, one which could inspire a coup by lower-level officers, a former Army Commander tells Channel 4 News.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    Field hospitals have been set up in Cairo to treat the wounded from bloody clashes in Tahrir Square. Channel 4 News speaks to a volunteer prevented from delivering medical supplies by “armed thugs”.

  • 2 Feb 2011

    Egypt: Bowties in the Finance Ministry while outside unrest rages

    I went up to the 16th floor in the Finance Ministry to interview the new Minister of Finance Samir Radwan. We were greeted by men in bowties and dinner jackets. Outside some 50 tanks are drawn up around the tomb of the unknown warrior where President Sadat was assassinated.

  • 2 Feb 2011

    The roots of the current uprising lie in the Tunisian town of Sidi Bouzid. Channel 4 News looks at how the political revolt there has roared across the Middle East to Egypt, Sudan, Yemen and Jordan.

  • 1 Feb 2011

    Lindsey Hilsum woke up in Alexandria to find a general feeling calmness in people; one shared by the Egyptian Army.

  • 1 Feb 2011

    Uprising in Egypt: speaking to opposition figures in Tahrir Square

    Am in Cairo’s Freedom Square amid massive crowds. Tens of thousands and more streaming in. But there are reports that police are preventing others from coming in to the centre of the city.

  • 1 Feb 2011

    Egypt currently has no internet access after the last major server still up-and-running went down on Monday night, but some mobile phones are still working, Channel 4 News understands.

  • 1 Feb 2011

    Henry Kissinger warns Channel 4 News that if an Islamist government replaces Mubarak in Egypt that it would be a “fundamental change to the kind of world we have known since world war two”.

  • 1 Feb 2011

    King Abdullah of Jordan sacks his Cabinet and appoints a new Prime Minister in a bid to head off more unrest – but while this has worked before, it might not this time, an expert tells Channel 4 News.

  • 31 Jan 2011

    As tensions and stakes ratchet up in Egypt, the pressure is on President Obama to back calls for democratic reform. But can he do so? Our Washington Correspondent Sarah Smith reports.

  • 17 Jan 2011

    When facts threaten to outgun Hollywood fiction

    Jon Snow blogs on the extraordinary news events of recent days – including the revolution in Tunisia and the return of Haitian dictator Baby Doc Duvalier to his country – which are even more dramatic than fiction.

  • 17 Jan 2011

    Leaders across the Arab world are living in fear that the unrest that triggered the collapse of the Tunisian government could head their way, writes Felicity Spector.

  • 1 Jan 2011

    Egypt’s president has called for calm between the country’s christians and Muslims after at least 17 people were killed in a bomb attack on a church. Officials are blaming foreign-backed terrorists.