Search results for ‘putin’

1,113 items found

  • 17 Jul 2018

    Donald Trump has rowed back on his failure to back his own intelligence agencies’ evaluations of Russia meddling in his election in 2016. Yesterday he said he believed President Putin’s denials of involvment at their Helsinki summit. Tonight he said “I accept” US intelligence agencies’ conclusions on Russian meddling. What do Trump voters make of his…

  • 16 Jul 2018

    The world’s two disrupters-in-chief started the day trying to out-disrupt each other – President Putin’s opening gambit, arriving an hour late, leaving President Trump twiddling his famously small thumbs. But at their joint press conference it was all talk of co-operation and understanding, President Trump criticising not Russian interference in the US elections, but the…

  • 15 Jul 2018

    Donald Trump has left Scotland after four eventful days in the UK. This morning he described the EU as the foe of the United States. And there was also just time this morning – as the President was on the golf course, for Theresa May to get in in a dig of her own on…

  • 11 Jul 2018

    Former US Ambassador to Nato, Ivo Daalder, discusses President Trump’s approach to the summit. Are Donald Trump’s calls on NATO to spend 4 per cent of GDP on defence realistic?

  • 26 Jun 2018

    The World Cup has continued today, with two more teams, France and Denmark, progressing to the next round. But it’s the diplomatic developments going on in the background of this competition that are drawing the attention of governments around the world.  

  • 20 Jun 2018

    Former FIFA President Sepp Blatter talks to Channel 4 News about corruption in FIFA, his reception at the 2018 Russia World Cup – and his invitation from Vladimir Putin.

  • 18 May 2018

      While Britain places the blame for the Skripal poisonings firmly on Russia, we went to meet the exiled oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky to ask about the Kremlin’s continuing strained relationship with the West. He was once Russia’s richest man, as head of the oil giant Yukos, before spending 10 years in prison for tax evasion.…

  • 6 Apr 2018

    Bill Browder, who has campaigned for Russian sanctions following the dealth of his lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, discusses the Skripal case.

  • 27 Mar 2018

    Estonia is one of those countries that was under Soviet occupation. It’s an EU member which shares a border with Russia and has a big Russian-speaking minority. Yesterday it, too, expelled a Russian diplomat. The country’s President Kersti Kaljulaid is asked if she feels nervous about Putin’s threat of retaliation.

  • 27 Mar 2018

    There have been more diplomatic expulsions in response to the Salisbury nerve agent attack. NATO announced it was expelling seven Russian staff from its headquarters. President Putin, at the same time, is dealing with the political aftermath of the Siberian shopping mall fire which has left at least 64 dead, most of them children who…

  • 22 Mar 2018

    PM and Putin compete in EU charm offensive

    As the European Council meets in Brussels, yet again the Brexit issue is shoved to the moment chairs scrape and attention drifts at the dog end of the evening. Mrs May will have her say – the transition deal is in both our interests, the guidelines for negotiations on the future relationship are welcomed –…

  • 22 Mar 2018

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is getting ready for another term in office.  As we’ve heard Russia has been vocal in it’s rebuttal of the British Government’s claims but what can we expect from Putin’s further six years in office? Matt Frei is in Moscow.

  • 21 Mar 2018

    Boris Johnson has waded into the diplomatic row with Russia over the poisoning of a former spy on British soil, agreeing that the way Vladimir Putin is using the World Cup in Russia as a “PR exercise” is comparable to how Hitler used the 1936 Olympics. For their part, the Russian foreign ministry invited all…

  • 19 Mar 2018

    President Putin has said Russia has destroyed all its chemical weapons. In his first comments since the attack on former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter, he said that Britain’s claims about Moscow’s involvement were “nonsense”. He was speaking after celebrating his landslide victory in yesterday’s Presidential elections.

  • 18 Mar 2018

    Russian voters have been going to the polls to elect their new president today. The result seems a foregone conclusion with even one of Vladimir Putin’s main challengers admitting she hasn’t a hope of winning.  Our international editor Lindsey Hilsum is in Moscow.