Search results for ‘iraq’

1,842 items found

  • 19 Jan 2011

    Iraq inquiry: what did Tony Blair write to George Bush?

    If you are wondering why the Chilcot Inquiry might be interested in Tony Blair’s letters to President Bush you get a flavour of it here, in Inquiry member Sir Roderick Lyne’s questioning of Alastair Campbell in January last year:

  • 18 Jan 2011

    As the Iraq Inquiry resumes public hearings, a written statement from former Attorney General Lord Goldsmith reveals Tony Blair’s public statements were at odds to the legal advice.

  • 18 Jan 2011

    The man chairing the inquiry into the Iraq war says he is “disappointed” that secret messages between the former Prime Minister Tony Blair and President Bush have been blocked from publication.

  • 22 Dec 2010

    Only one Baghdad church is celebrating Christmas fully this year, as Iraqi Christians face violence, prejudice and fear, writes Lindsey Hilsum for Channel 4 News and The Daily Telegraph.

  • 21 Dec 2010

    Many people in Iraq tell Lindsey Hilsum that there is no future for Christianity in the country – meaning an ancient civilisation could be wiped out.

  • 14 Dec 2010

    Father Christmas was dancing outside the clothes shop. A gaggle of small children were watching, entranced. When the electricity was switched off, he drooped and they drifted away. All over Ankawa, the Christian enclave in Erbil, you can see signs of Christmas: outside one house we saw an orange tree with tinsel and baubles hanging amongst the fruits.

  • 1 Nov 2010

    There is a widespread perception in Washington that Britain failed in Iraq and is failing in Afghanistan, an adviser to the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps tells Channel 4 News.

  • 26 Oct 2010

    Tariq Aziz, one of Saddam Hussein’s most prominent deputies and closest advisors, is sentenced to death by a court in Iraq. His son tells Lindsey Hilsum the verdict is “politics, not justice”.

  • 24 Oct 2010

    The MoD has joined the US in condemning Wikileaks for the largest ever leak of classified files, as human rights campaigners call for an investigation into thousands of unreported civilian deaths.

  • 23 Oct 2010

    Exclusive: a lawyer tells Channel 4 News there could be evidence of war crimes in the Iraq logs made public by WikiLeaks which contain records of fighters being killed as they try to surrender.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    In the biggest official files leak in history nearly 400,000 Iraq war logs reveal the massive scale of civilian deaths and new torture allegations following an investigation by Channel 4’s Dispatches.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    The secret files show that two-thirds of deaths 2004-09 were civilians and that significantly more ordinary people were killed at checkpoints than enemy fighters.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    Iraq’s war logs published by WikiLeaks reveal US troops appeared to abuse Iraqi prisoners after the Abu Ghraib scandal, turned a blind eye to Iraqi-on-Iraqi torture and imprisoned one in 50 Iraqi men.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    Iraq’s secret war logs published by WikiLeaks show Iraqi civilians were attacked by US Apache Hellfire missiles and in some instances fighters were killed when trying to surrender.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    There is so much data the Channel 4 Dispatches team had to design their own computer programme to sift through it – and the results of that are truly startling, writes Alex Thomson.