Search results for ‘GM’

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  • 5 Jun 2018

    The Pacific region has seen two high-profile eruptions in recent weeks – but be wary of dramatic headlines about possible catastrophe.

  • 30 May 2018

    Hawaii’s erupting Kilauea volcano has now claimed more than 70 homes, and belched tens of thousands of tonnes of ash and noxious fumes into the air. Every night, it puts on a spectacular – and terrifying – show with powerful fountains of lava lighting up the sky.  After weeks of eruptions and lava flows, there are increased worries…

  • 17 May 2018

      Despite the upset to the arrangements a formal dress rehearsal did take place today in Windsor and thousands were on the streets to enjoy the sunshine and watch proceedings. The couple have said they wanted a People’s Wedding, but are all people being treated equally? The Council here received some criticism over how they’ve gone…

  • 17 May 2018

    Forty Shades of Green; Fifty Shades of Orange

    Professor Jim Dornan is a world renowned gynaecologist living on Northern Ireland’s “Gold Coast,” the prosperous stretch of County Down peppered with picture window residences. He’s one of Northern Ireland’s great and the good. He’s celebrated in his field. He’s from a unionist background. As it happens, he’s also father of the actor Jamie Dornan,…

  • 19 Apr 2018

    Cuba’s new president Miguel Diaz-Canel has pledged to continue the socialist revolution led by his predecessors, as he became the country’s first leader who isn’t from the Castro family for almost 60 years. 86 year old Raoul Castro will remain head of the Communist party – but he hinted today that Diaz Canel could take…

  • 10 Apr 2018

    Israel has declared that soldiers heard in video footage cheering as a sniper shot a Palestinian near the Gaza border will be disciplined, although their preliminary inquiry has cleared the sniper himself, saying he had acted appropriately. The Israeli army says the incident happened in December, adding that the unapproved filming was not “the level of…

  • 10 Apr 2018

    According to previously unseen documents obtained by Channel 4 News, Cambridge Analytica was pitching its “unique” social media data and “psychographic profiling” to multiple Republican election campaigns in the US after harvesting the profiles of up to 87 million mostly American Facebook users.

  • 9 Apr 2018

    Israeli fighter jets struck a target in the Gaza Strip today after it was claimed explosives had been found near the border. Thousands of Palestinians have been protesting along the border in the run-up to the anniversary of Israel’s foundation 70 years ago.

  • 7 Apr 2018

    Hundreds of people have been to the funeral of a prominent Palestinian journalist who was killed while covering mass protests along the Israeli border. He was one of ten people who died during yesterday’s actions, as Israeli troops opened fire on crowds they claimed were trying to storm the border fence. From Jerusalem, our Foreign…

  • 6 Apr 2018

    Four Palestinian protesters have been killed and at least 200 injured, according to medics in Gaza, as thousands of protesters gathered along the Israel-Gaza border. They set fire to tyres to create a smokescreen to block the view of Israel Defence Force snipers, who say troops only opened fire when people attempted to breach the…

  • 26 Mar 2018

    When a former Russian spy and his daughter were found slumped on a park bench in Salisbury, it wasn’t long before investigators started looking at the Kremlin with suspicion. But how strong is the UK’s evidence against Russia? And what do the experts think?

  • 21 Mar 2018

    More than a million NHS workers in England are being offered a pay rise of between 6 and 29 per cent over the next three years. It brings to an end seven years of pay freezes and today has been recommended by 14 health unions, although not the GMB. It is also being funded by…

  • 28 Feb 2018

    Brexit, Northern Ireland and John Major

    Those around Theresa May are now hopeful that they can kick the draft treaty down the tracks just as they did the original Joint Report on Article 50.

  • 19 Feb 2018

    The government has developed new technology which can “automatically detect terrorist content” online.

  • 12 Feb 2018

    Last week, the Freemasons took out a full-page advert in several newspapers claiming that its members felt “stigmatised”. It followed news reports about the fraternal organisation, questioning their influence in policing and politics. In response, the Freemasons called for a change in attitudes and highlighted their extensive charity work. But do their arguments stack up?