Search results for ‘iraq’

1,842 items found

  • 10 Oct 2010

    The father of a Red Cap killed by a mob in the Iraq war has told Channel 4 News “this is the gratitude Iraq has shown us” after a judge in Baghdad dropped charges against two accused men.

  • 3 Oct 2010

    Film historian Mark Cousins decided to rig up a cinema for children in the middle of a northern Iraq village. The results are recorded in The Last Movie.

  • 29 Sep 2010

    FactCheck looks at some of the claims Labour leader Ed Miliband makes in an interview with Channel 4 News

  • 28 Sep 2010

    In his first speech as Labour leader, Ed Miliband contrasted his optimism with David Cameron’s supposed pessimism, labelled the Iraq war “wrong”, talked about shelf stackers’ wages, railed against infringements of civil liberties and said he came from a generation of school children who’d been taught in temporary classrooms. But did he get his facts right?

  • 27 Sep 2010

    With 20 per cent of US soldiers who served in Iraq suffering from combat stress disorder, Channel 4 News correspondent Kylie Morris meets America’s wounded warriors at the US Military base Fort Hood.

  • 27 Sep 2010

    One in five US soldiers who served in Iraq are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Channel 4 News gained exclusive access to the major American military base at Fort Hood.

  • 13 Sep 2010

    As Amnesty International claims tens of thousands of prisoners are being held in Iraq without trial, the wife of one detainee tells Channel 4 News her husband is being tortured.

  • 13 Sep 2010

    Nelson Mandela felt so betrayed by Tony Blair’s decision to join the US-led invasion of Iraq, that he launched a verbal attack against him in a phone call to a cabinet minister.

  • 5 Sep 2010

    An Iraqi prank show plants fake bombs under celebrities’ cars then threatens the unwitting participants with maximum-security prison.

  • 1 Sep 2010

    As Tony Blair’s newly published memoirs go on sale Channel 4 News finds in it a robust defence of Iraq, regret over the fox-hunting ban and the Queen cleaning up the former PM’s barbecue plate.

  • 1 Sep 2010

    As the last fighting forces leave Iraq, US soldiers have been proclaiming they “have won the war”. President Barack Obama didn’t dare make such bold claims in his address from the Oval Office.

  • 20 Aug 2010

    Channel 4 News cameraman Stuart Webb blogs. I witnessed the very first shot of the ground war in Iraq back in 2003. The American military unit I was filming with were equipped with the latest mobile missile launchers and because of this they were given the ‘honour’ of firing the first shot which would set…

  • 19 Aug 2010

    The last US combat brigade has left Iraq, pulling troops out of the country two weeks earlier than President Obama’s deadline. Channel 4 News’s Tim Lambon, who was there the day US forces rolled into Baghdad, looks at the rapid drawdown, and Iraq’s uncertain future.

  • 17 Aug 2010

    Lindsey Hilsum blogs on how today’s Baghdad bomb attack is the latest sign that insurgents are seeking to exploit the political void caused by Iraq’s inconclusive election.

  • 28 Jul 2010

    Chief correspondent Alex Thomson blogs from the Iraq Inquiry. General Sir Richard Dannatt came before the Chilcot folk with their gentle, leisurely questioning of various people involved in what critics describe as the UK’s greatest foreign policy disaster of modern times. Whether that is the case or not, it remains fascinating to watch the rather…