Search results for ‘moscow’

734 items found

  • 22 Dec 2017

    Andrey Kortunov, the director general of the Russian International Affairs Council and an adviser to the Russian foreign ministry, and Ben Nimmo, an information defence fellow for the Atlantic Council think tank, discuss claims raised during Boris Johnson’s visit to Moscow that Russia has been meddling in the UK.

  • 16 Nov 2017

    We’ve heard a lot in recent weeks about Russia’s alleged involvement in the EU referendum. On Monday, Theresa May said Vladimir Putin’s government was trying to “undermine free societies” and was “planting fake stories” to “sow discord in the West”. Although on Wednesday, the Prime Minister appeared to soften her language. She told parliament: “if…

  • 22 Oct 2017

    A British-American businessman who has been a thorn in Russia’s side is put on the Interpol Wanted List at Moscow’s request. We speak to Bill Browder and ask if it’s anything to do with America’s sanctions specifically targeting Russia and some of their named officials.

  • 19 Jun 2017

    In Syria, tensions have once again escalated after American forces brought down a Syrian government jet near the contested city of Raqqa. Moscow, which backs the Assad regime, has retaliated by suspending an agreement with Washington, aimed at avoiding clashes and says it will in future regard US planes as potential targets.

  • 17 Jun 2017

    French President Emmanuel Macron has called their journalists “agents of influence and propaganda”. No wonder RT, formerly known as Russia Today, says its mission is to improve Russia’s image abroad. And in a rare interview, Margarita Simonyan , the editor of RT has told this programme that they are considering legal action aginst their French…

  • 15 Jun 2017

    Why IS the weather so bad? Please can you fill in the potholes? What about that problem with Turkish tomatoes? Why haven’t you got married again? Did you really mess with the American election? Yes – today was the annual Putin phone-in, as the Russian President fielded questions from a nation getting everything, or ALMOST…

  • 13 Jun 2017

    The Kremlin has dismissed criticism of its tough police response to yesterday’s anti-government protests, which saw more than 1,400 people arrested and the opposition leader Alexei Navalny jailed for 30 days. The authorities literally pulled the plug on his campaign, cutting off his YouTube channel, which had been broadcasting live to tens of thousands of…

  • 8 Jun 2017

    Allegations of links to Russia have dogged President Trump’s first few months in office – with the White House repeatedly denying any collusion with Moscow to influence last year’s presidential election.

  • 17 May 2017

    Senior Republicans are now joining calls for a special prosecutor. John McCain, who ran for the White House himself, even compared it to the Watergate scandal that destroyed the Nixon Presidency. The whiff of a cover-up over alleged links between the Trump campaign and Moscow brought the first calls today for impeachment proceedings to be…

  • 13 Apr 2017

    President Assad contradicted previous statements on Khan Sheikhun made by his allies in Moscow and members of his own government.

  • 9 Apr 2017

    In a deliberate echo of presidential phrases, Russia, Iran and Hezbollah today issued a joint statement condemning the US missile strike on Syria as having crossed “a red line”.

  • 31 Mar 2017

    If Brexit is the single issue dividing Europe, for the United States it’s their erstwhile Cold War foe Russia and whether Moscow meddled with the US elections to swing it for Trump.

  • 27 Mar 2017

    In Moscow, the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny has been jailed for 15 days for resisting police orders during yesterday’s mass anti-corruption protests across the country.

  • 26 Mar 2017

    Hundreds of protestors – including Russia’s opposition leader Alexei Navalny – have been arrested, after thousands of people took to the streets across Russia in a wave of anti-government demonstrations.

  • 10 Mar 2017

    The Russian President Vladimir Putin has been meeting the Turkish President in Moscow, before an expected attempt to oust militant Islamic State fighters from the Syrian city of Raqqa.