Search results for ‘prisons’

341 items found

  • 26 Jan 2012

    Médecins Sans Frontières tells Channel 4 News its doctors have been “patching up detainees in between torture sessions” in Misrata’s prisons. The charity is suspending its work there as a result.

  • 31 Dec 2011

    In the latest information breach in retaliation for the prosecution of Bradley Manning, Anonymous releases more data from intelligence analysis firm, Stratfor, and issues a new year’s eve warning.

  • 21 Dec 2011

    Lebanon, it was always said, is where Syria has its wars. So now that Syria is actually hosting what amounts to a war, people next door expect violence in Lebanon any day. However thus far, the hideous conflict next door has yet to migrate next door, and there are reasons to hope it may not.

  • 25 Nov 2011

    On Wednesday, Britain is facing its biggest public sector strike for decades, hitting schools, hospitals and airports. Channel 4 News finds out which services are likely to be affected.

  • 24 Nov 2011

    Thousands of people are being illegally jailed and abused by Libya’s ex-rebels, a UN report says. Channel 4 News speaks to a Ghanaian woman who has seen friends detained or die trying to flee Libya.

  • 20 Nov 2011

    Lindsey Hilsum blogs on the surrender of Abdullah Senussi, the most feared enforcer of Colonel Gaddafi’s regime.

  • 8 Nov 2011

    “In fact, it seems only a tiny minority of people who have already been dealt with by the courts have been ordered to don the famous orange vests. The precise number, according to London Probation Trust, is 15 in the capital.”

  • 8 Nov 2011

    A surprise search at an Acapulco prison has uncovered two peacocks, 100 fighting cocks, 19 prostitutes and two bags of marijuana, Mexican authorities confirm.

  • 2 Nov 2011

    With founder Julian Assange facing a rape trial in Sweden, funding crippled by a “financial blockade” and dwindling support from fellow hactivists, can WikiLeaks survive? Channel 4 News investigates.

  • 27 Oct 2011

    After Theresa May’s catgate, you would think MP’s might tread more carefully on the thorny issue of immigration. Less than a month ago Ms May was complaining that all too often foreign criminals are allowed to stay in the UK – and for the most ludicrous reasons. Yet today, immigration minister Damian Green said the government is removing foreign criminals quicker than ever. So what’s it to be – are they staying or going?

  • 27 Oct 2011

    As new figures show more than half a million crimes were committed in a year by reoffenders, a prison reform campaigner tells Channel 4 News community sentences are the answer.

  • 14 Oct 2011

    The display of a sculpture created by one of Britain’s most dangerous sex offenders in a major exhibition has renewed the debate on whether criminals should be allowed to profit from their art.

  • 5 Oct 2011

    As a prisoner receives a life sentence for attacking Soham murderer Ian Huntley, a judge calls for a review of the way high security prisons are managed.

  • 28 Sep 2011

    Shrien Dewani, accused of conspiring to kill his wife Anni while on their honeymoon in South Africa last year, has been cleared for extradition by Home Secretary Theresa May.

  • 14 Sep 2011

    Jailed rioters are being targeted by existing inmates because prison conditions have been made worse by the influx of prisoners following last month’s civil unrest, Channel 4 News has learned.