Search results for ‘Anthony Tucker-Jones’

39 items found

  • 13 Jun 2011

    As refugees flee the Syrian town of Jisr al-Shughour in the face of a concerted military assault, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones writes that the army holds the country’s future in its hands.

  • 2 Jun 2011

    As Ratko Mladic is finally brought before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Anthony Tucker-Jones – a former Defence Intelligence official – looks at the failures of the West in the Balkans.

  • 8 May 2011

    Following Osama bin Laden’s death, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones says there are rising concerns over the fate of Libya’s chemical weapons.

  • 2 May 2011

    As Osama bin Laden is killed by US special forces, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones – who was part of the original team hunting the al-Qaeda leader – assesses the implications.

  • 26 Mar 2011

    As western planes and missiles continue to attack Libyan military hardware, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones assesses the air war and refutes Gaddafi’s claims of mounting civilian casualties.

  • 20 Mar 2011

    In the face of Gaddafi’s continuing defiance in Libya, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones writes for Channel 4 News on the weaponry gathering to enforce the No-Fly Zone.

  • 19 Mar 2011

    As the battle for Benghazi intensifies defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones writes for Channel 4 News on NATO’s immediate military options, following the UN’s Libyan No-Fly-Zone.

  • 17 Mar 2011

    As government and rebel fighters battle for control of Ajdabiya, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones looks at the strength of Gaddafi forces heading for Benghazi.

  • 15 Mar 2011

    As Colonel Gaddafi’s forces launch new air attacks on rebel positions in eastern Libya, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones reports on who supplied the arms being used against opposition fighters.

  • 13 Mar 2011

    As Colonel Gaddafi forces retake key towns in Libya, including Brega, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones looks at the military options and how Libya’s leader has bounced back this week.

  • 17 Aug 2013

    Police have fired at a Cairo mosque holding hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood supporters. The stand-off has continued throughout the day, with police arresting protestors and closing in on the compound.

  • 19 Apr 2012

    More than 20 bombs hit cities and towns across Iraq, killing at least 36 and wounding almost 150, but analysts tell Channel 4 News the situation is not deteriorating.

  • 9 Apr 2012

    At least 38 people have been killed in a car bomb exploded near the Gwari area in northern Nigeria’s Kaduna State on Sunday.

  • 15 Feb 2012

    As President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad loads nuclear fuel rods into the Tehran Research Reactor, experts say Iran does have the technology to make a nuclear weapon, but lacks the political will – for now.

  • 6 Jan 2012

    At least 26 people have been killed and many wounded in a bomb attack in Syria’s capital, Damascus, the government says. Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum has the latest.