Search results for ‘English Defence League’

103 items found

  • 26 Jun 2013

    Controversial anti-Islamic activists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are banned by the home secretary from coming to the UK to join an English Defence League demonstration.

  • 10 Jun 2013

    Six Muslim men receive sentences of up to 19 and a half years in prison for planning a violent attack on an English Defence League rally using a nail bomb, shotguns, swords and knives.

  • 7 Jun 2013

    A judge is to study a collection of rallies by the English Defence League before deciding on jail terms for six men who planned an attack on the right-wing group.

  • 29 May 2013

    Hackers claiming to be from the protest group Anonymous publish the addresses and contact details of 200 people they say are members of the English Defence League.

  • 27 May 2013

    Supporters of the far-right English Defence League march through central London, closely followed by anti-fascist protesters, after the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich on Wednesday.

  • 23 May 2013

    English Defence League leader “Tommy Robinson” tells Victoria Macdonald “weak leaders” created the situation which led to the murder of a serving soldier in south east London.

  • 22 May 2013

    Clashes erupt between police and members of the English Defence League in Woolwich, south east London, following the street killing of a man believed to be a serving soldier.

  • 12 Jan 2013

    The beleaguered English Defence League takes to the streets of Solihull on Saturday. But with its figurehead Tommy Robinson in prison, is Britains far right a spent force?

  • 7 Jan 2013

    The leader of the far-right English Defence League is jailed for entering the US on a friend’s passport, but the case throws up questions over the defendant’s real name.

  • 11 Nov 2011

    A total of 170 people have been arrested following a remembrance service in Whitehall, central London, Scotland Yard has said. They are believed to be English Defence League (EDL) supporters.

  • 5 Feb 2011

    More than 1,000 police officers are deployed in Luton as anti-fascists gather to counter a demonstration by the far-right English Defence League.

  • 14 Dec 2010

    Far-right group the English Defence League insist Terry Jones will not attend a demonstration in Britain, after the controversial pastor told Channel 4 News of his “desire” to visit the UK.

  • 4 Oct 2010

    The Home Secretary has authorised a blanket ban on marches in Leicester on the day of a planned protest by the right-wing campaign group the English Defence League (EDL).

  • 21 Aug 2010

    As fears of a potential race riot remained today in Bradford, Channel 4 News Northern Correspondent Nick Martin speaks exclusively to the leader of the English Defence League.

  • 14 Jul 2018

    While there was a massive and peaceful demo in London yesterday, the streets of central London were cordoned off for a rather different event today. Supporters of President Trump joined supporters of the jailed former English Defence League Leader Tommy Robinson for a march and rally on Whitehall – overseen by a huge police operation.