Search results for ‘Iraq war’

1,360 items found

  • 21 Jan 2011

    Tony Blair has revealed he disregarded some of the legal guidance given to him by his top adviser in the run-up to the Iraq war. The former PM concedes there was “inconsistency”.

  • 24 Oct 2010

    The MoD has joined the US in condemning Wikileaks for the largest ever leak of classified files, as human rights campaigners call for an investigation into thousands of unreported civilian deaths.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    The secret files show that two-thirds of deaths 2004-09 were civilians and that significantly more ordinary people were killed at checkpoints than enemy fighters.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    Iraq’s secret war logs published by WikiLeaks show Iraqi civilians were attacked by US Apache Hellfire missiles and in some instances fighters were killed when trying to surrender.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    There is so much data the Channel 4 Dispatches team had to design their own computer programme to sift through it – and the results of that are truly startling, writes Alex Thomson.

  • 28 Jul 2010

    Chief correspondent Alex Thomson blogs from the Iraq Inquiry. General Sir Richard Dannatt came before the Chilcot folk with their gentle, leisurely questioning of various people involved in what critics describe as the UK’s greatest foreign policy disaster of modern times. Whether that is the case or not, it remains fascinating to watch the rather…

  • 28 Jul 2010

    Former head of the army, General Sir Richard Dannatt, tells the Iraq inquiry that an overstretched army ‘almost seized up’ due to troop commitments abroad, writes Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson.

  • 20 Jul 2010

    “I have often thought whether my predecessor or I should have challenged more,” Baroness Manningham-Buller told the Iraq inquiry in the most haunting quotation of the day.

  • 19 Jan 2010

    Hoon gives new twist to Iraq war timetable

    Former Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon told the Iraq inquiry a paper was prepared for Tony Blair to take to the April 2002 Crawford summit listing the three military options for the UK if it joined in with the US attack on Iraq.

  • 12 Jan 2010

    Alastair Campbell, speaking to the Iraq Inquiry, called the publication of the second intelligence dossier, dubbed the “dodgy dossier” in February 2003 a “mistake”.

  • 30 Jun 2009

    As the US pulls out, what did the Iraq war achieve?

    Iraq is a country I have visited many times since I was first there to report from the front line of the harrowing Iran/iraq war in 1980. Foreign intervention and interference has dogged it for more than a century. No wonder Baghdad is seized with parties and celebration. For the promised American pull-out from Iraq…

  • 15 Jun 2009

    An open inquiry into Iraq war?

    The Prime Minister will announce an inquiry into the Iraq war this afternoon. Given the nature of the military and intelligence material that’ll be under scrutiny Whitehall is expecting this to follow the precedent of the Franks Inquiry into the Falklands and be held in private.

  • 15 Jun 2009

    Who’ll be the judge of Brown’s Iraq war inquiry?

    Gordon Brown will announce an inquiry into the Iraq war this week. My sources tell me that this will not be chaired by a judge, senior or retired. It will be chaired instead by a historian. The hot tip in Whitehall is that it is likely to be the respected Churchill and Holocaust scholar Sir…

  • 7 Jun 2007

    A former British army translator, in exile from Iraq, tells Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Miller “every day the situation is worse” after being “abandoned” by the UK.

  • 10 Apr 2003

    During the hunt for Saddam Hussein Lindsey Hilsum and her team encounter civilians who had been killed or injured in the fighting – including 5-year-old Zahra who had been shot in the head by American snipers.