Search results for ‘Leveson’

267 items found

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Leveson – more party talks next week

    The PM is said to have promised a draft bill along the lines of what Lord Justice Leveson asked for, but it looks like a measure to keep opinion on-side and look willing.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    First round in political fight over Leveson

    David Cameron sets himself against any law change on press regulation and says the sort of neat, small law Lord Justice Leveson thinks he’s proposing could quickly expand.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Leveson tells Cameron to get on with it

    Leveson verdict: the signs are that David Cameron is not ready to jump up and accept this proposal.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Coalition splits on Leveson

    David Cameron has asked Nick Clegg to throw him a lifebelt over press regulation – Nick Clegg has decided to watch the PM struggle in the water instead and is giving a separate statement on Leveson.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    The Culture Secretary tells Channel 4 News that, despite the government accepting the Leveson principles, it has grave concerns about implementing the recommendations.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Lord Leveson delivers his report into media standards and ethics on a defining day for British journalism.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Do you know who Lord Leveson is? How do you think the press should be regulated? Channel 4 News takes to the streets to see if the media’s appetite for this story is matched by the public.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Is it just us or is there a lot of chat about newspapers today? From Milly Dowler’s voicemail to David Cameron’s “lol” texts: Channel 4 News answers the who, why and what of the Leveson inquiry.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Prime Minister David Cameron responds to the findings of Lord Justice Leveson’s report into media standards and ethics.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    Mary-Ellen Field, former financial adviser to model and businesswoman Elle Macpherson, tells Channel 4 News how phone hacking nearly derailed her life and career.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    The overarching Leveson inquiry lasted 16 months and took evidence from 474 people. But journalist Katharine Quarmby tells Channel 4 News that it ignored the views of one major group.

  • 29 Nov 2012

    With the Leveson inquiry outlining press intrusion, Andy Davies looks at its impact. Jon Snow discusses the report with Neville Thurlbeck, Trevor Kavanagh, Anne Diamond and Jacqui Hames.

  • 28 Nov 2012

    More than 80 politicians from all three main parties sign a letter warning the prime minister that accepting statutory regulation of newspapers would undermine free speech.

  • 28 Nov 2012

    Hacked Off campaigner Hugh Grant tells Channel 4 News he thinks David Cameron will shy away from regulation of the press following the publication of the Leveson report into media ethics.

  • 26 Nov 2012

    The National Union of Journalists has adopted Ireland’s regulatory system as its preferred future model and Lord Leveson himself, according to a recent report, is struck by it.