Search results for ‘Mumbai terror attacks’

36 items found

  • 9 Aug 2010

    Jonathan Miller blogs from north-western Pakistan where he’s been meeting the Islamist charities helping victims of the floods

  • 9 Aug 2010

    Channel 4 News Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Miller travels to north west Pakistan and meets the Islamist charities stepping in to distribute food, blankets and clean water.

  • 3 May 2010

    The verdict was never any real surprise, and if the sentence, expected perhaps later this week, is any less than the death penalty, the Indian government will face a considerable outpouring of nationalistic anger. Channel 4 News Asia Correspondent Nick Paton Walsh reports.

  • 28 Jun 2009

    Pakistan is in the grip of a bloody, intense fight against the militants in its midst – those who have threatened its capital, its economy and its broad existence as a state – that has displaced millions. But in the coming weeks a trial in a high-security courtroom in Mumbai means that the world’s attention…

  • 16 Apr 2012

    After Lord Ahmed was accused of offering a £10m “bounty” for the capture of US President Barack Obama, the peer tells Channel 4 News the allegations are a “complete pack of lies”.

  • 23 Jul 2009

    Fortress India is building a new fence along the Bangladeshi border and over a thousand miles have been completed so far. The project, which began in 2000, is inspired by Israel’s wall in the West Bank, and since the killing of over 170 people by Islamist militants in Mumbai last November, construction is accelerating.

  • 14 Nov 2015

    From #JeSuisCharlie to #JeSuisParis – France’s bloody year

    2015 is turning out to be a grim and possibly defining year for France, and for Europe.

  • 8 Jul 2014

    The balance of power has shifted considerably as the foreign secretary and chancellor attempt to make key gains in the United Kingdom’s economic partnership with India.

  • 22 May 2013

    A man confirmed as a soldier was killed in a politically-motivated knife attack by two men, who were shot by police. The attack triggered clashes between the EDL and riot officers on Wednesday.

  • 3 May 2013

    Pakistan’s leading state prosecutor investigating cases including the assassination of the former prime minister Benazir Bhutto has been shot dead in Islamabad.

  • 26 Jun 2012

    In an assessment of the security threat facing the UK, MI5 Director-General Jonathan Evans predicts a successful and memorable London Olympics but expresses growing concern about Iran.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    It has become quite fashionable to say 911 didn’t really change the world. A rash of commentary has recently argued that the decade of Al Qaeda while bloody and terrible will not have the future consequences we may once have feared. The argument runs : the world changed, the centre of economic gravity changed, the role and power of America in the world changed but much of it happened regardless of the “war on terror” and the clash of civilisations will never quite happen – especially now Bin Laden is dead. This makes for clever columns but seems ultimately rather unhelpful. The need to understand what has changed seems greater than ever before anyone claims victory and moves on, just because the troops are coming home from Afghanistan.

  • 11 Sep 2011

    A leading expert on the terror group tells Channel 4 News why al-Qaeda is in decline – and where the next 9/11-style plot could come from.

  • 3 May 2011

    There will be reprisals to avenge the death of al-Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden, one expert tells Channel 4 News. But will his successor be able to reinvigorate a demoralised terrorist network?

  • 16 Dec 2010

    Reports that two white British al-Qaeda members have been killed in a missile strike are being investigated, as a security source tells Channel 4 News he is “not surprised Britons are in the area”.